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  1. Kansas bird hunt...(-:
  2. Kansas test
  3. Saskatchewan Alberta Upland
  4. Pheasants in the East this fall..???
  5. July ennui
  6. Recommendations for Upland Vest Please
  7. Green, Green Kansas
  8. Jersey Lily
  9. Pheasants in SD
  10. 61st Year at This Dove hunt
  11. No Other Parker Needed
  12. Looking for pattern - Vertical Double Gun Rack
  13. South GA dove shoot with Parkers.
  14. Trigg, Mark, and Richard, N. Alberta goose/grouse hunt
  15. Headin' North..or East Nor' east in Destry's case...
  16. How many parkers in this photo?
  17. Tower release pheasant shoot Sat 17th Oct.
  18. Long long ago in a galaxy far away....
  19. NH Opening Day 10/1/2009
  20. First of the Season
  21. Life of a Setter
  22. Tour de Quebec 2009
  23. Shotshells
  24. Michigan Opening Day - Waterfowl
  25. Any One Useing a 28 Gauge Parker Hunting
  26. Ammo Recommendation for '29 VH 12 Gauge
  27. Good News.....
  28. "The Bling Blind"
  29. Low Recoil Buckshot
  30. Bis-Maxx Brand Bismuth
  31. No Flounder, but...
  32. Alaskans on a hunting venture
  33. duck/goose shoot
  34. Bird recipe
  35. I'm sending in for my "doubles pin"--
  36. 10 gauge for squirl
  37. South Dakota PGC Hunt
  38. Flanders coming in......
  39. Quail in So Cal
  40. Double on ducks...
  41. A Parker and November Grouse
  42. Tripple on wild roosters
  43. Southern Illinois.....
  44. 10 ga for fowling
  45. Leaving for Arizona.....
  46. Late Phez Hunt in SD
  47. Snipe with a Parker
  48. Kansas bird hunting...
  49. Kansas Snow, Cold and Birds ( Dunkle Approved)
  50. Young Hunters
  51. Parkers At Beaver Dam
  52. Unscathed
  53. First Duck with my NH 10ga
  54. 12 ga. shotshell loads for hunting
  55. Northern hunting adventures
  56. December pigeon shoot
  57. Still Birdless
  58. Hunting Dogs and Dunkle
  59. VH upgrades, for hunting
  60. No Birds in North West Georgia?
  61. VHE kills another Pintail
  62. Feta/Mushroom Pheasant
  63. Arkansas Duck Hunt
  64. Holiday quail and another obsure game bird with a Parker
  65. Phinding Pheasants
  66. Well it's over.....
  67. skatter gun
  68. I'm done too...
  69. Close of Kansas Season, 29-31Jan
  70. shell question
  71. Back yard deer pics.
  72. Pheasant Broth soups
  73. how bought some
  74. Do you reveal your good grouse spots? THINK AGAIN !!
  75. Is it the beginning or the end.....
  76. Next Parker Pages
  77. Hunting with Parker
  78. They gotta come north before going south
  79. 21 lb Gobbler falls to 135 year old Parker
  80. Good day of hunting
  81. The Anti's - where will it end?
  82. 10 ga Turkey Loads?
  83. A "Marx Bros." Turkey Hunt
  84. Unweighed gobler falls to 11 year old boy shooting 57 year old pump gun
  85. Springtime In Vermont
  86. New study on lead fragments from shot in game birds
  87. Spring Turkeys and Old Reliable
  88. hunting with a parker
  89. Our New Hamphire Boy's
  90. How about Fishing with Jay Gardner?
  91. December Pheasant hunt
  92. Biking For Kansas Pheasant
  93. Duck Hunting Lodge
  94. It's In the Air
  95. its time
  96. Anybody wanna move to Saskatchewan???
  97. Importance of Muzzle Control
  98. My first dove shoot - what to expect?
  99. Goose calls
  100. Dallas area gunsmith
  101. Kentucky Dove
  102. Great day to be back in the fields (2010)
  103. its begun
  104. Shootin' crows 1890's style
  105. Michigan Honkers
  106. Kansas Dove Shooting ejector vs extractor
  107. Dove Hunting Is Very Humbling.
  108. forgotten guns
  109. Squirrel Hunting ?
  110. 2010 Michigan Grouse Opener
  111. Duck loads for Parkers
  112. Grouse loads : Is # 8 shot too small ?
  113. Parker 20ga and lab. Best teal hunt I've had.
  114. Hammers and Grouse!?
  115. Opening Day - Saskatchewan Pheasants
  116. The woodcock are coming! The woodcock are coming!
  117. lovely day
  118. Well, Kinda - Sorta!
  119. New Hampshire Waterfowl opener 10/5/2010
  120. 10 Gauge Double
  121. NH - Chasing Chickens???
  122. first opener
  123. GHE - Fast becoming a favorite
  124. First dove shoot with my 1916 28"Trojan 20
  125. Big Friend Ten and Mallards
  126. Marshes of Glenn again
  127. Minnesota hunting
  128. First Hunt with Parker VHE
  129. The Opener
  130. Cutting the cost of shooting Nice Shot in half
  131. waiting
  132. N Dakota birds
  133. Michigan Pheasant Opener
  134. Lifter and Grouse!
  135. Two more crumble to the "VH"
  136. First trip to ND with G grade
  137. Vermont 2010
  138. bobwhite in KS
  139. for a walk
  140. Ole Reliable
  141. Saginaw Bay Diver Hunt
  142. Parkerized
  143. Alaska Phezants
  144. wish me luck
  145. First hunt with my new thin blood
  146. It was a dark & foggy night
  147. Runners
  148. DH Gets the game
  149. Ducks with Destry
  150. Parker fills the pot
  151. What shells to use in vulcan steel barrel?
  152. the kansas hunt
  153. todays pheasants
  154. 10 Bores at work on Little Bay NH
  155. Late day Pheasants
  156. Thanksgiving Roosters Parker Style
  157. Lousiana duck hunt
  158. michigan pheasants
  159. Didn't Miss a Shot
  160. Missed a lot of shots
  161. KS phesant fun with Charlie & Jett
  162. Mich sporting clays
  163. Not a Parker But ....
  164. My One and Only.....
  165. RBL Gets the Game
  166. not a parker
  167. Iowa snow, cold and pheasants
  168. CHARLIE - 1 Jack - 0
  169. Duck season over
  170. "No Pressure" loads
  171. Getting my dog
  172. Nearing Season End...
  173. deer hunting
  174. x-mas eve hunt
  175. First bird with a Parker...
  176. English Setters Available
  177. Parker gets the Game
  178. Gambels with my "new" GHE 20
  179. Training the young
  180. Woodcock with my VHE
  181. Kansas Late Season FOC Hunt
  182. A Late Start
  183. In His Own Hand....
  184. Last duck
  185. One tough mother
  186. A good day in the off season
  187. goose loads
  188. Cattail Roosters
  189. No Season Here - You?
  190. "Nice Shot" Loads
  191. Crow hunting questions
  192. Bob Allen.....
  193. Favorite LAdies and Favorite Country
  194. 5 Big Birds with Little Shells
  195. The 'Refuge'
  196. kansas phesants
  197. Preparing for hunting season
  198. listening for the gobbler
  199. Squirrel dog
  200. Gordon setter puppys...one is mine
  201. why me
  202. Parkerised wood pigeons
  203. Heading North unmolested
  204. More Alaskan ptarmigan hunting
  205. Let it Snow, Snow Snow
  206. Trip Swap?
  207. Just five more months
  208. More alaskan ptarmigan hunting ver. 2.0
  209. Serious cleanup project
  210. This past season.....
  211. A "Victor"ious Hunt
  212. WI Gobbler
  213. Can a jacket take you back in time.
  214. Phesant outlook
  215. More Jackets
  216. One shot can make your day
  217. Doubles club.
  218. Northern NH Grouse Outlook
  219. Shooting Doubles
  220. lost but found
  221. Half full......
  222. 10 ga to much for doves
  223. crows at last!
  224. mississippi dove report
  225. Short Walk Through Time
  226. Chesapeake Wildfowling
  227. gettem ready
  228. early fall chukars in Alaska
  229. First Parker Kill of the season
  230. 1900 16 VH & Doves today
  231. 129 Years Young & Still Hunting
  232. Southern Illinois......
  233. john folse cook book after the hunt
  234. 34 for 4
  235. Short Ten Crow Killin'
  236. First duck hunt of the year
  237. Papa's Trojan Doubles Again
  238. Quail hunt
  239. Alaska duck hunting - chapter 2
  240. MI opener
  241. Railbird Shooting in Jersey and Pigeons in Pennsylvania.....
  242. For Jim ....
  243. shooting snipe & rails
  244. Upland and Hammer guns
  245. First shot success
  246. Hey Bruce
  247. Sandhills Sharptail Shootout-Travels with Charlie Vol. 2
  248. A Parker on Lac St. Pierre
  249. Alaska duck hunting - chapter 3
  250. Three Ruffed Grouse.....