View Full Version : It was a dark & foggy night

Jack Cronkhite
11-13-2010, 08:23 PM
Well, it wasn't yet dark, nor was it night but it sure was foggy. We get fog when the weather conditions are just right. It's as thick as what can roll in off the Atlantic coast but all we have here is oceans of wheat.

So why the hunting thread??

I took CHARLIE and KYRA for their evening run in the country. Visibility was maybe 70-80 yards. We were in familiar territory, so that was no issue. The Canada geese were calling all around us but none could be seen. I knew some would be feeding in this area and that some would be on the creek and others would be flying by.

I got to thinking about how Destry might enjoy this kind of evening and the thought had no sooner passed through my mind than a flight of 8 Canada's winged through the fog right past us. The sight lasted maybe ten seconds, maybe less. Range? About ten Parker's height off the ground and maybe twenty Parker's out.

I haven't bothered the geese for years but tonight was one of those moments when it certainly could have been fun. Who knows, an elusive doubles pin?

So, posted for the migratory fans. Back to planning the next upland hunt.


Francis Morin
11-26-2010, 09:36 AM
Out today with snow gusts, hope some flight birds come down to augment the local greehaids and dem old tasty mergansers.

Canadas by Parker barrel lengths- darn fine idea- BUT just as we are feet and inches and yards and non=-metric down here- let's set a standard shall we- a 12 bore GHE with 30" barrels perhaps, as opposed to a DHE .410 with 26" tubes-

A dark and stormy night recalls Snoopy sitting on the roof of his doghouse at his typewriter- but most film noirs, cops and bad guys, etc- featured a lot of rain and nightmoves- ie: Seven, The Departed, Mystic River- etc.. so good choice.

I had a double on greeheads last Oct (2009) with my GHE 12, first and only in over 55 years of avid waterfowl hunting- an event to remember, pin non-withstanding.:bigbye:

Jack Cronkhite
11-26-2010, 12:04 PM
Francis: I'm thinking 12 bore approx 48" overall. Those geese were flying under very low ceiling conditions or maybe it was some kind of fast food crop with a "fly through" lane.


charlie cleveland
11-26-2010, 12:10 PM
im thinking maybe 3 1/2 in chamber 10 ga with 40 inch barrels... there might be a few high flyers in the crowd...but a 12 will do in a pinch..... charlie