I am bringing this to the general audience from the Engraving/ PH discussion below.
First; Harry; the remains of your barrels were sent to a metallurgist who did an analysis of them. I think that there was a preliminary report.
Second ; Inventory of the PGCA "Collection"
Through the efforts of Art Wheaton and other directors, PGCA applied for a tax exempt ParkerGun Foundation; this was approved and realized about three years ago. Many PGCA members loaned or donated items of interest to PGCA prior to this time. Many of these members are no longer active, or perhaps deceased.
It would be desirable to transfer these items to the ParkerGun Foundation so that they might be included in displays, or used as teaching tools at collector's seminars. At present there are questions about the status of many items; were they donated or loaned? did the donor think he was making a tax exempt gift? Some of those loaners or donors may wish to recall their items.
I was appointed as a trustee of the Foundation by Chairman Davis, as stated in the foundation by laws. I will draft an access statement and circulate it among John and the other trustees. Until that time, I am sure that anyone preparing an article for Parker Pages, or another publication or book, that needs access to an item in the collection, will be able to examine that item.
I think the short , one line answer to this is; PGCA considers the collection to be museum quality. We will safegaurd this material as a museum would.
Best, Austin