Parker Gun Collectors Association Forums

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Pete Day 03-11-2010 04:59 PM

Fred... I'm still alive, kicking, and trying to resurrect a badly abused Quality 3, 10ga top lever hammer gun...tough decision...euthanasia would have been less painful, but probably illegal. The Parker "save at all costs law"...requiring that the gun be placed on life support and fed through a "money tube"...prevailed. No. 46,410 is slowly coming back to far so good...'double boomer' should be up and about by Fall. How goes your world?

Fred Preston 03-11-2010 07:31 PM

Pete, Lost my old dog in January (posted his obit on here a month or so ago); have a young'n coming on; hope he out lives me. Gotta love those old ones that come back with TLC (and money); my first one is a 0 grade, 1 frame, 28" 12 lifter in the 42grand range, paid $20 for it. Has a couple of little dents but has given great service to my brother and me for the past 50 odd years with BP and light nitro.


Bert Dunn 03-12-2010 09:37 PM

Reply to thread
As requested, my replay. Bert Dunn

Bert Dunn 03-13-2010 09:02 PM


Yes, I am a current annual member (member since 2003). Bert Dunn

Berkley Stephens 03-17-2010 08:56 AM

Hi John,
My name is Berkley Stephens and I am a annual member.

Bill Zachow 03-18-2010 05:52 PM

John, Bill Zachow here--I'm a lifer, too.

John Dunkle 03-20-2010 02:34 PM

Hi Guys..!

My thanks for your patience and support!! Your accounts should be all set..!

Again - simply - thank you...


Charles A. Johnson 03-26-2010 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by John Dunkle (Post 123)
Hey folks!!

If you are a current PGCA Annual or Life Member - would you take a moment to post back in this thread??

While I'm trying to find you in the current printed Roster - some of you are not listed. Therefore, while I'm updating User Titles, you may notice that the "PGCA Member Forums" disappeared..! It simply means I haven't found you in the roster or not aware of your Member Status!! Sorry about that..!

So - if you are a PGCA Member - can you post back in this thread if you are a current PGCA Member (and if you are an annual or Lifer - that will save me some work later, OK?)? That would be great!! (And no - I don't need any other info, OK??)

My thanks!!


My name is Charles A. Johnson and I just recently sent in the membership dues.

john pulis 03-26-2010 11:59 AM

pga member
hi john,

i am an annual member.

Pete Kappes 03-26-2010 12:40 PM

Hi John Pete kappes Long time yearly member. Jess is glad winter is over and Spring is here. :)

John Dunkle 03-31-2010 05:22 PM

Hey Charles, John & Pete...

You guys are all set..! And Pete??? Could you send some of that Spring weather you'd be talking about to the East?

Much appreciated, my friend!


Daryl Hallquist 03-31-2010 05:34 PM

Daryl Hallquist---------annual

John Dunkle 03-31-2010 05:39 PM

Hey Daryl..!

All set - and with your fancy new Member Title - you should really post more..??? ;)

Seriously - your account is all set!


Bill Crowden 04-06-2010 09:26 PM

Need help
I have been a member for almost a year, I read the posts alot, see my name listed on the logged in sheet, but I am having great difficulty trying to post a new thread-even though I am 66 I am new to the world of computers. Please help me understand how to post new questions. Thanks Bill Crowden

George Lander 04-07-2010 12:24 AM

Bill All you need to do is to scroll down to the discussion section of the forum and look for the box entitled "new thread" (top left hand corner) & click that on. You must be logged on first.

Best Regards, George

John Dunkle 04-07-2010 11:48 AM

Hi Bill.!

Actually - I replied to your e-mail last Saturday? But - let's see if this helps, OK?

First - what George said is spot on.. As well - here are step by steps that I'll copy from my e-mail:

"...I know it can be frustrating trying to figure it out - but once you do it - it will be like riding a bicycle ;) ... Let's do this..

Open the main Forum by clicking here:

Next - let's open a Forum that you want to make a new thread in.. You do that by going down the page and clicking on any of the forum titles.. Let's open the "PGCA Site Help Forum" to try out your new thread:

Once that is open - take a look for this image:
You'll see it on the left above the forum thread window and it says "NEW THREAD"..

OK - click on that! When you do - you'll see a new page open

Next - in the title box - well, write the TITLE of your thread!
And then in the "Message:" box - type whatever you'd like in your thread... When you are done typing you'll see a button "Submit New Thread" under where you were typing. So........

Just click that button..!

Best to you,


Charles Waltman 04-12-2010 11:39 AM

John, Charles Waltman, annual member, thanks....

Gary Carmichael Sr 05-02-2010 11:09 AM

John, I am a life member,Yours Gary Carmichael Sr

John Dunkle 05-03-2010 03:29 PM

Hi Charles and Gary!

You fellows are all set - and with our collective thanks!!


scott kittredge 05-28-2010 04:20 AM

john , i am a member, scott

Dean Romig 05-28-2010 05:43 AM


John Dunkle 05-28-2010 08:02 AM

Now you made me re-think my Lifetime Membership, Scott...

Welcome aboard!!! As you know, PGCA is a bit different than your other collecting associations - I think you are also a member to the TWSCA (Ted Williams & Sears Collecting Association)?

Anyway - no matter... Welcome!!


scott kittredge 05-28-2010 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Dean Romig (Post 19270)

no , i am again! had some money left over from my last gun buy so i did it. remember baby steps, next some letters:rotf: Dean i will SEE you on the clays course:knowbetter:

Dean Romig 05-28-2010 03:28 PM

...not if I see you first :cool:

scott kittredge 05-28-2010 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by John Dunkle (Post 19272)
Now you made me re-think my Lifetime Membership, Scott...

Welcome aboard!!! As you know, PGCA is a bit different than your other collecting associations - I think you are also a member to the TWSCA (Ted Williams & Sears Collecting Association)?

Anyway - no matter... Welcome!!


john, i will get you too, your alot easier to find and i will find you if it takes until next newyears day shoot:corn:

Berkley Stephens 05-31-2010 10:42 AM

Hi John,
I have responded to this thread in the past. I am an annual member.
Best Regards,
Berkley Stephens

John Dunkle 09-13-2010 05:01 PM

Hi Folks,

As some have noticed, we now have on-line Memberships and Renewals: Posted Here....

So, I thought I would take a moment to update this thread to let many of you know that that if your Membership has lapsed, your "PGCA Member" title might have disappeared.

If you'd like to check on your Membership status (it takes about 2 seconds???) - simply go here:

As well - since I am human, I can be wrong (although, last time I was wrong, I was mistaken..??) Anyway - if you have put your renewal in the mail (rather than using the automated system), let me know - and I'll get your title on the Forum reset, OK??

Best to all - and my sincerest thanks!!!


Russ Jackson 09-13-2010 11:26 PM

I believe I have already posted ,but just in case ? I am an annual member . Russ

John R. Richards 09-19-2010 10:59 PM

Annual member-John Richards

Mark Landskov 09-26-2010 06:38 PM

Mark Landskov - Annual Member....

Mark Ouellette 09-29-2010 08:17 AM

I am a dues paying member :)


Larry Harwood 10-05-2010 08:04 PM

I am a current PGCA member, paying annual dues.

John Dunkle 10-05-2010 08:16 PM

Hi Larry!

Got'cha.. And thank you!!!!

Best to you always,


Dave Wunrow 10-06-2010 12:25 PM

I am a annual member #1634 Thank You Dave Wunrow

Thomas Dodson 10-07-2010 03:05 PM

I just joined as an annual member. Tom Dodson

John Dunkle 10-07-2010 03:41 PM

Hey Guys..!!

Welcome aboard!! And - THANK YOU!!


Devan Brown 10-10-2010 11:58 AM

I am an annual memeber.

John Dunkle 10-10-2010 01:03 PM

Got'cha Devan!! Many thanks for posting your Membership in this thread!! Also - just sent you a PM....


And my thanks again!


mel hrubetz 10-21-2010 12:14 PM

Mel Hrubetz annual thanks for your efforts

Buddy Harrison 11-05-2010 03:31 PM

Annual Member - Buddy Harrison

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