Savage/Stevens/Fox Model B: Undervalued classics?
As the various American doubles faded into obscurity or very low volume production by the 1950s, one manufacturer survived well into the 1980s. These were the inexpensive Savage/Stevens/Springfield/Fox Model B guns That were sold under both the actual manufacturer names, as well as various house brands in different hardware store chains.
These guns are often viewed as cheap beaters, though they seem to have their own cult like following in the collectible market, the cowboy action crowd also loves to chop them up . It is also worth noting that guns like the Fox model B also had some premium features on them such as auto ejectors and single triggers. My only gripe about these guns is wacky stock dimensions (The plastic "Tenite" stock actually feels the best to me, oddly enough.) and the barrels not dropping all the way open without user assistance (supposedly, there is a modification to correct this, but I have not tried it yet.) Do these guns deserve more respect, or are they still just cheap beaters?