Fair amount of effort cutting down 10 G hulls to 2 7/8. Cheddites hull mouth gets out of shape after a few loads. Insert SP 10 wad it wants to collapse . They work harden when fired too, more likely to splt. Federals and Remingtons to a lesser degree, still can be a issue. 16 G were you are limited to Cheddites, same problem.
I tried BP's hull conditioner, one size fits all gagues , tapered auminum with 1/4 shank, did not work well. taper only touched the edge, and the small shank soon broke off. Made up my own, simple, Lag screw with a wood plug. It works great, wood builds heat fast, plug is correct size to hold the hulls re-formed size. It’s easily made, screw the wood on spin in a drill press rasp and sand down to size testing the hull for fit as you go. One on the right in the picture is made that way.
Decieded to make a nice one on the lathe. Steel shank Aluminum plug # 2 in the photo , It works but Aluminum takes too long to build heat, wood is better. Then went to a Hybrid steel/wood. # 3 one without the wood , # 4 finished. I am getting 10 loads out of a Cheddite now. Added benifit the insert scrapes the hull inside cleaning out crud left behind. Never loose a huill when inserting the wad. I spin them in a lathe pushing the hull on by hand holding it for a few seconds then pulling off. I do 10 at a time turn around and load, then 10 more., doubt if it takes 2 minutes to condition 10 hulls.