Originally Posted by Phillip Carr
Choked Right .007 ( IC ) Left .013 ( Mod ) my favorite choking for 20 gauge over the dogs. Yet still enough choke for the birds that get up a little further, as well as shooting dove.
This reminded me of something I found years ago with a 28ga RBL I bought with 30" barrels.Chokes were .001 and .005. Due to a lot of things, most of my quail hunting, when I do it , is over preserve birds that are pretty tame. I could let them get out, but it thows the timing think off for dogs. I found that for me, the chokes were still too tight, so I started using Spread-R loads. They worked great. When I started backing up my daughter, who was much slower and just starting, I found the gun too open. I then discovered Poly Wads Gram Crack'Rs. They were 5/8 oz loads of number 5 Nidkel olated hard shot completely filled with a polyester beaded filler. I discovered that they seemed impervious to patterning. I could hit quail at 35 yds, and smoke doves at 45. They were the most amazing shells I ever shot at distances over 25 yds.
They don't make them anymore, but I have enough left to last the rest of my hunting life. I suspect that both could be duplicated with different components.
Didn't want to hi-jack the thread. I just wanted to share that it proved to me that we don't need to feel limited by fixed choke doubles. You can carry two or three kinds of loads in your vest and pretty much cover any situation you encounter on a day's hunting. The good thing is you can adjust quicker than diddling with chokes.