A little longer Quick Start Guide:
Welcome to the "How To" request and pay for a PGCA Research Letter using your web browser, PayPal and your e-mail! I'm going to do a "Quick Start Guide" at the top of this post - and then, more detailed instructions for those who may need them. I think you will find that the process and procedures are easy - and in total, only take three steps!
Before you get going - just do a quick check that your Parker has records available - but when you do -
DO NOT click on the PDF FORM on that page - just exit out of that browser window once you know there are records - and come back here. You are going to use a different form... The link to check your serial number is here:
Search Serial Numbers
First - open the following link in your browser (click there--->) :
Parker Letter Request Form (Or - you can download it, see the attachment at the bottom of this post). Most browsers will allow you to enter the information directly - and if it doesn't, just save the form to your desktop, and enter it in your PDF reader (
Click here for a link to Acrobat Reader - it's free).
Have all your information entered as in the image above? Great! Now save the PDF with your info to your desktop with your information filled out - you can call it "myletter.pdf" or whatever you would like. If you are doing multiple Parkers - you could call them Gun1.pdf, gun2.pdf - well, you get the idea

The "Save" button is different on each browser. Internet Explorer and Safari have them on the top left, while Chrome is at the bottom of the page near the right corner (see image below for Chrome):
Second - Payments... In the PDF form, there is a button at the bottom called "
Click Here to Add or Pay for your letter Now". that button will take you to a PayPal "shopping cart". When it does, simply add the number of letters you will be requesting today (I automatically enter "1" for you) - then select "Check Out".
Here is what those screens look like:
If you do NOT have a PayPal account - it is fine, as if you look during the check-out process - you will see "
Pay with a Debit or Credit Card.." and for non-PayPal account holders - that's where you want to go...
All set? Go ahead and make your payment! You will see a PayPal Transaction entitled "Non-Member PGCA Letter" with the payee as "PGCA". GREAT! You just paid for your letter!!!
Third - again in your saved form with all your information you have stashed on your desktop - you will see an e-mail address to send your completed form to, now that you've made your payment. That e-mail address is:
letters@parkerguns.org (<--- Or, you can click on the e-mail address here) Pretty cool, huh?

.. So go ahead - attach your completed form to that e-mail - and send it on! It will look something like this:
CONGRATULATIONS!! You've just ordered and paid for a PGCA Research Letter On-Line!