Got up real early for our Father's Day event, put seven guns in the truck for our Izaak Walton League swap meet. We also had a skeet, trap, and sporting clays shoot that drew probably just short of a hundred shooters. We cooked a couple of pigs on our barbeque and served a multi course lunch with beer and sodas for five bucks a person or ten bucks a family. The swap meet is ten bucks a table and went great. I scored a mint Superposed Airways case for one of my early mint trap guns for a price I won't mention and a McIntosh Fox hard cover for five bucks. Lots of ammo changed hands. This has been one of my local gun clubs for sixty plus years. We shoot rifles, shotguns, bows, and hunt about 700 acres almost on the Potomac River. Life is good. Somehow, I never needed a second home, even though I could afford it.