Craig, it's not what bushing are you using because different peoples loading technique can throw different charges with the same bushing. It's how much powder are you using for such and such load? Those gray wads are 0178s. CB also makes a 7/8 1oz wad, the 4100, but it has 8 petals and is white. I've used the 0175 3/4oz wad for years now for evreything but trap because I wad given about 500 Federal paper shells and had a bunch of 2100 wads - 7/8oz for straight wall hulls. Daniel, you could be right about the 3/4oz patterning tighter. A writer a couple of years ago claimed at skeet ranges shooting 3/4oz loads he had to load up to 1300fps to get away from hot cores. He also wrote fiber wads or spreaders helped so patterns weren't too tight. I've found shooting SCs out to 35/40 yards that a IC choke with 3/4oz loads broke clay birds just fine.
Paul Harm