Originally Posted by Paul Harm
I've had Brad redo about 5 or 6 barrels and feel even on a " beater " it's well worth the money. What's another 4 to 500 dollars when you can then see the beautiful Damascus barrels ? Making them is a lost art never to be repeated.
Sherman Bell described the process of making damascus barrels as three men heating, hammering and twisting iron bars all day long to make one barrel. They are a hand welded barrel. It must have been hard, hot work and the workers must have been proud of a job well done.
I used to shy away from damascus guns, but no longer. There is an Elsie No 1 grade coming to a local pawn shop. I have yet to see, it. They want $750. No 1's can be pretty nice, damascus and some engraving. If it is a good one it will be mine.