Years ago when I knew less than nothing about sporting books and was trying to build my library I was lucky enough to receive an offer to subscribe to a series called The 50 Greatest Books of the Derrydale Press. I received a book a month at around $35 each; very nice reprint editions and very affordable. I don't know if they really are the 50 greatest, but I have really enjoyed them and they introduced me to some wonderful writers - Spiller, Buckingham, Gordon Grand, Edmund Ware Smith, Gene Connett, etc. I only wish there had been more books in the series! You can still pick them up occasionally on ABE books, ebay, etc.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. - Mark Twain.
Last edited by Phil Yearout; 10-26-2014 at 01:11 AM..