Funny you mention "release ducks", Mills - a couple of weeks ago I was invited as a guest to a club whose property adjoins a huge farming operation that among other things still raises mallards for release by private clubs. The State (MD) used to support this but stopped years ago due to costs of maintenance and most importantly wildlife biologists warnings about dilution of the wild duck gene pool, especially mallard-Blackduck crossbreeding. One of my hosts mentioned to me that there would be plenty of ducks flying due to the close proximity of the rearing operation. I wound up shooting two, and when I cooked the first one I was amazed at how totally tasteless it was. Hard to put accurately, but it had a very "Purina" taste to it. Anyone who has worked around livestock and particularly poultry will understand what I mean. Sort of reminded me of the first game farm Chukar partridges I killed while training my dog; same flavor and "bouquet" - yuck!