Several years ago, Gary Herman acquired about 75-80 ten round boxes of 8ga Gamebore and Eley Bismuth shells. I sold a few for him on this site. One man bought the entire remainder, entirely for the bismuth. Going from memory, I believe I was told he was cutting the top edge of the rolled crimp, taking out the bismuth, filling them with lead shot (size unknown) and re-rolling a crimped closure, ending up with a shell, one quarter inch shorter. Because of the difference in density of lead vs bismuth, they were the same load. in less space.
I should note, as far as I know, he was NOT reselling them as bismuth, but lead.
The reason I mention this, is the picture Chuck showed, of the roll crimped hull appears to be less than perfect, and is much like what I was getting using a BPI single pin roll crimper, which is why I switched to the Ross six pin roller.
I'm not suggesting the shells Chuck bought are of those, described above, although they may be.
If whomever I sold some of those Bismuth Gamebore shells still has any, do they appear like the picture of Chuck's Gamebore shells? I believe the original shells were marked, in gold letters on the side of the hull.