A morning to remember
we got back from sea duck hunting in Maine hoping to finish out our home season shooting at some whistlers. Scouting showed some birds but a cold snap closed down our boat access. Then the warm weather, wind and rain got us optimistic and I figured the thawing ice was nothing I couldn't break through like I have done in the past. We had to axe out of the landing but cracked the ice easy enough motoring in the river. We got into the bay and it got a little tougher and thicker but a little more gas helped with the motor kicking up a bit on ice chunks as expected. Then the motor kicked up but the boat kept going and we ended up boat and motor sitting on the ice. Then Methinks " this is another fine mess I've gotten myself into". No real safety concerns but all this was in the dark at 5AM. I hit the ice with a splitting mall and a chip came off and that was all. I really don't know how we did it but i finally got the motor back in the water, backed her up, set a different line, got to open water set the blocks and shot a couple whistlers with the parker making it all worth while. And I more than ever wicked appreciate my Lund. God I love duck hunting.
first pic is our pathway home