Originally Posted by David Safris
Thank you Dean for the explanation. ok - new fears unlocked ! both are in socks inside the case and are fairly new so hopefully that takes some risk out of it - but I can see where this could happen over time. I like the cases as I know the gun is safe from handling and transportation damage - hadnt thought of the long term storage risk.
So am I the only person who has gotten a gun out of the safe and turned a bit too quick and whacked the end of the barrel on the top of the gun safe. I have also been putting my gun together standing in the back of my 4 Runner and banged the barrel on the lifted back door that is high enough to stand under ..but not high enough for you to throw a shot gun up on your shoulder. So many ways to make mistakes.
The man who many years ago introduced me to Parkers, and knew more about firearms in his little finger than I would ever know, sold me my first Parker complete with LOM case. He said lube it and leave it together not taking it apart every time you transport it. Buy a good quality full length case. He said sooner or later you will be at your tailgate or in your gun room attempting to assemble your gun and the barrels or forend will slip out of your hands and be damaged. He was right about that. Ask me how I know.
Plus, gun socks are cheap. Buy a bunch and use them when storing your gun and when transporting them in your full length case.