More Odd Books, Cheap
1. Anderson and Ireland Company catalog, hardware dealers of Baltimore 1937. Hard cover, 8 1/2 X 11, 442 pages, everything from screws to Parker shotguns. What a book. $20
2. Quatre siecles d'armurerie Liegeoise, Claude Gaier, 9 X 12, 287 pages. A big illustrated book of Belgian guns and weapons from the beginning of gunpowder use. Pictures of engraved Browning shotguns that you have never seen in Vanderlinden or Schwing. Much more detail than a coffee table book. Unread $35
3. The Handgun, Geoffrey Boothroyd. 9 X 11, 570 plus pages, handguns from matchlocks to Glocks by the armourer to James Bond. Excellent to unread condition. $20
5. Complete Book of Corvette, Richard Langworth, 1987, 9 X 11 1/2, 319 pages. pre 1953 to 1987, a great color illustrated work with more information than you ever asked for. Unread. $15
7. Core Sound Waterfowl Museum, Tenth Anniversary soft cover book, 122 pages, 8 1/2 X 11 glossy, 2002. My recommendation for the Parker Shotgun Museum when we were thinking such a thing was a possibility. $5
1 or 2 shipped for $10, or free if you buy 3 or more. More to come. PM me your intentions.
Discounts on next page. Y'all come.