OK, a pet peeve. Let me know if this is unreasonableble
Maybe I'm way off base here, but I have a problem with the "for sale" ads that say "For sale at.... - wherever". I'm guessing there are a lot of dues paying folks here - me included - who probably will never attend any of the big functions back east. And yet, I get to see ads for "for sale at...only - will not ship" and so on. To be honest, I've yet to see anything I couldn't live without, but still...if I'm a paying participant here, and folks are using this venue to advertise something for sale, shouldn't I have the same right to buy it as anyone? If the shipping is thought to be exorbitant, isn't that up to me as a buyer? And if you don't, as a seller, feel like packaging it or shipping it, then maybe you ought to offer it somewhere elsewhere. There.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. - Mark Twain.