Originally Posted by Greg Baehman
Just like the pointer varies from the pointers on the standard run of DHE Repros, so too, does the Setter and pheasants. In the listing of this particular gun it states that it's out of the Skeuse collection.
Absolutely correct, it is a different variation of Robert Runge's usually observed dogs and pheasants on DHE Repro's. We must keep in mind however that Tom Skeuse sent several of his very best Remington Parkers to the Olin Kodensha factory in Japan. Why the other engraving style was chosen for the later DHE Repro's over the one pictured in this thread is anybody's guess, but I suspect Mr. Skeuse himself had a hand in the decision.
Correction made - it was Tom Skeuse, not Jack as I had originally (and erroneously) stated. My thanks to Greg for politely and discreetly pointing out my error.
"I'm a Setter man.
Not because I think they're better than the other breeds,
but because I'm a romantic - stuck on tradition - and to me, a Setter just "belongs" in the grouse picture."
George King, "That's Ruff", 2010 - a timeless classic.