Ribs - Ribs - Ribs
We've had discussions about top ribs in the past - tapered ribs, flat ribs, ventilated ribs, swamped ribs, solid raised ribs, and on and on, but I don't think we've ever included all types in one thread.
Excluding the ventilated rib for this discussion because we know they are usually finely tapered and flat-topped, lets focus on the others - the finely tapered ribs that taper to as narrow as 5/16 of an inch, and which gauges they were customarily applied to, when did the finely tapered ribs first show up - what is the lowest serial number Parker to have such a rib? What is the exact width at muzzle of your finely tapered rib? What is the width at breech?
Flat ribs are some of the most uncommon type of rib on a Parker shotgun and are most often found on 'live bird' or 'trap' guns - competition guns, in any case. What is the width of your flat rib at the muzzle? What is the width at the breech? What is the serial number of your flat ribbed Parker? Is the legend on your flat rib roll-stamped or is it engraved?
I'm hoping we get some good participation in this thread - Inquiring minds want to know - Thanks!
"I'm a Setter man.
Not because I think they're better than the other breeds,
but because I'm a romantic - stuck on tradition - and to me, a Setter just "belongs" in the grouse picture."
George King, "That's Ruff", 2010 - a timeless classic.