Well, I took the plunge...and signed up for this forum.
It took me a long time, because I really dislike the lack of anonymity on this forum, as anyone can find me--and I would rather have an 'anonymous' handle. Can anything be done about that? I should say I am not even on Facebook because of that. I prefer that...
In any event, I have mostly collected early cartridge and percussion revolvers, mostly because of the ease of storage, as compared to a longarm, and pre-1899 firearms are not as such, but rather antique.
I do have a VH Grade 12 ga Parker dating from 1904 I obtained, with condition, some time ago, maybe 25 or 30 years ago.
It does seem to me the double barrel market has softened over time, and Parkers are, by no means immune. Having said that, without seeming arrogant, I would think maybe now might be the time to consider the purchase of a 28 ga Parker, just because I would like to own one. Of course, condition is important, the more condition, the more desirable, but the more costly... What might be a current market condition to be aware of for these based on condition? Of course, smaller frame sizes are more desirable, and I would think I would be most likely looking at a VH Grade, as these are more common and more affordable.
Anything else to consider? Where do you see these double guns going over the next several years? I don't see a resurgence, and maybe prices will continue to slide. I have no problems with national auction houses...I'm just not a retail kind of guy. Any other places to look? Of course, I wish to avoid anything refinished. If I were to buy something refinished, I would want to think about selling it in short order.
In closing, here's a character actor, was often in Little House on the Prairie, who had a fondness for a 28 ga Parker: