My father-in-law was in a
toss it out kick a while ago. As a dutiful son-in-law, I was helping him with the chore. This item was tossed. It was covered in oil soaked saw dust, metal dust and just plain dust. When I gave it a wipe, everything cleaned off relatively quickly to reveal the oil can. I was pleasantly surprised and asked if he would mind if I kept it. No problem, since it was already tossed and he didn't want it. He hasn't had a gun in hand since the 1960's, so I'm guessing the vintage of this product is in that era but others here will likely know for sure. It is at least 2/3 full, so I feel like I scored but then it is just gun oil after all. Sort of like a "second chance" oil tin so it is reserved for "second chance" gun 108603.