PGCA Election of Directors - Spring 2014
Report of the Nominating Committee
Frank Sweeney, Chairman; Charlie Herzog; Jeff Kuss
Jim Hall, Bill Mullins, David Weber, and Tom Wooden have been nominated to run for election as Directors of the PGCA for a term of three years. Ballots will be mailed to Life Members on March 10, 2014, and must be returned and received by April 10, 2014 to be counted. Newly elected Directors’ terms will be effective April 11, 2014, unless a runoff election is required. If a runoff election is required, only the vacancy (ies) will appear on the runoff ballot. Runoff ballots will be mailed to Life Members on April 11, 2014, or as soon thereafter as practical; and runoff ballots must be returned and received by May 11, 2014, to be counted. Newly elected Directors’ terms will be effective at the conclusion of voting for Directors if a runoff is required.