1900 GAH at Live Birds Queens, L.I. at the new Interstate Park
Won by 25 year old H. D. Bates, of Ridgetown, Ontario after 8 men tied at 25: J. L. Smith, H. D. Bates, C. F. Ayling, J. R. Malone – 2nd, Col. A. G. Courtney, Dr. A. A. Webber, Tom A. Marshall, and Phil Daly – 3rd.
"The Parker gun which Phil Daly Jr. shot in the Grand American Carnival and won third prize, was one which he borrowed from A. W. Du Bray, the Parker representative. Daly never saw the gun until the day before the big event, when he killed 15 out of 16. In the big event be was shot out on the 32d bird."
Guns—Parker 73, Smith 34, Greener 19, Francotte 19, Daly 12, Remington 10, Lefever 7, Scott 7, Winchester 5, Cashrnore 5, Purdey 3, Baker 2, Colt 2, Richards 2, Marlin, Prechtel, Grant, Webley, Stannard, Forehand, Syracuse, Churchill, Claybrough 1 each.
Parker Shooters:
A.W. Money, J.D. Gay, H.E. Buckwalter, A.H. Fox, F.S. Parmelee, Wilbur F. Parker, A.W. DuBray, R.O. Heikes, and Annie Oakley
Fred Gilbert was unable to compete due to illness.