Some Neat Big Bore Parker Stuff!
Check this out!
Mom and I are finally back going through and transcribing some more of our reams and reams of unread Buckingham and Becker letters, now that a big gun has surfaced. Hiding in her pile of Becker stuff from '39 was this little bit of nice Parker info??? Thought you guys might enjoy a snapshot back into the day. And this is an easy one to read, some letters take hours to decipfer/figure out, but figure them out we will. Oh, how does one spell check these posts, I keep getting a security alert when I try??? and then a warning if I attempt to continue, so no spell check it will be. No picking on the spelling challenged Dutchman, or he will take his ball and bat and go home. Remember: Life is Good, Always Treat it With Respect!
P.S.: Oh, how do I get my Grousing buddy to show up under my name when I post??? Bet you guys never saw pink single malt!