parker gun part swapping
I obtained a Parker 12 gauge about a year ago. As I have family living near Turnbull's shop, I brought it in to them during a visit. They noted that the forend had a different serial number than the barrels and frame. These were made in 1903 and were GH grade while the forend was from the 1920's and a lower grade based on the engraving. The Turnbull folks said this was a common occurrence due to breakage, having multiple guns in a house and mismatching the parts during cleaning, etc. They did say they could take the forend I have and weld in the sn, stamp the correct sn for my barrels and frame, and do the proper engraving for the grade. However, I didn't want to go that route mostly due to not wanting to modify the original forend I have even though it is not the original for the gun.
I was wondering if there was a site for swapping parts on the rare chance of actually finding that someone might have the correct sn forend for my gun or need the one I have to match the sn of their gun?