Thread: What if??
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Maybe I'm like the late Rodney Dangerfield, already.
Unread 10-21-2011, 05:50 PM   #24
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Default Maybe I'm like the late Rodney Dangerfield, already.

Destry, my Falstaffian friend, may I kindly remind you of the rules on the PGCA Forum- No nicknames allowed- we must register and pay our annual "tithe" under our real given name, in my case, Francis Morin.

Respect- funny phrasing coming from you I should guess. Tell you what- you find me ANY Honorable Discharged veteran from ANY branch of our Military to whom I have NOT shown proper respect here on the PGCA, and I'll reconsider your observations- maybe. I personally don't give a BRA about the other forum(s) upon which I may post or respond, they do NOT apply to the PGCA, and are either "Doonesbury" or "Pogo" in their comic scope and nature, for example- Homeless Joe et al. If you chose to take him seriously on the Forum where I post as Run With The Fox (allowable under Dave Weber's rules and regs) that is, of course, your option. But please do NOT disgrace the sancity of this PGCA Forum by rephrasing that sobriquet I use there with your "Hennepin County Windage" it isn't funny, it is uncalled for, and I try to show respect to you and the very few others on the PGCA forum that I may not personally wish to shoot birds with, because that is the "Guy Code" of it all.

Tell you what- let's make this 'respect" thing what the numbers boys call a "zero sum game"- I went to my members list and found that I have made 72 friends on the PGCA since I joined as a paid annual member in May 2009. As that is an 'open book" site on the PGCA, i went to yours- you have been a member since Nov 2008- and have made Zero friends to date.

I also see in PP you are an editor at large (don't worry, I won't take a 'shot' at that, tempting as it may well be-- But since that great article about the trip to Beaver Dam a few years ago that you wrote, I haven't seen anything. I get a lot of "flak' from some of the PGCA members about my "wordiness" and I accept that as one of my faults- But I had a PGCA member. who surmised I know a little about the Model 12's, ask my advice about one with an extra barrel he was looking at-long story short- he asked if I would write an article about the Model 12 and submit it for possible publication in PP, which I have, and Austin Hogan (and others) have read it.

I do NOT know, at this juncture, whether it will be used or not, as the M12 most assuredly is NOT a Parker- but my point is- if you are an editor- when do we get to see your next article- if you already have on "On Deck" with Austin, then- "As you were"--

I wish you no ill here- you are a superb wingshot, and if you do not chose to be my friend, that is your free choice- I offer my friendship openly, if refused- like my Grandfather said- "I don't chew my tobacco twice"- For the good of the harmony we need to grow our beloved PGCA with, let's leave the personal attacks and comments off the PGCA- The other websites (I am not a LCSCA or AHFCA member- so I don't post there, but I am sure they have the same "good conduct" policy as does the PGCA--) well that's a "whole 'nother ballgame"_ isn't it?? If you feel the need to "vent your spleen" against me, please do so on the DoubleGunWorkShoppe, where no one takes anything you, myself or Homeless Joe seriously--
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