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Unread 12-22-2012, 09:04 AM   #29
Kensal Rise
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I agree with you. I'd much rather be talking about Parkers. But to ignore reality is to accept the fate others deal to you. And... if you think that those idiots in Washington will stop with "assulat weapon" and high-cap magazine legislation, you will have to think again.
Parkers? Well, let's see. They are also talking about "the gun show loophole." That means you may not be able to buy that wonderful BHE you spot at Tulsa. Or have to fill out a 4473 for a pre-'98 shotgun.
You may not realize it, but for the "public safety" you can't even keep a shotgun in your home in the UK without police OK. Think it can't happen here? Think again.
In my book, the NRA did fine. As a former newsman, PR man and ad man, I like the fact that old Wayne stuck it to them. They were already blaming the NRA anyway. Why lay there and take it?
Romney did that during the election. And see what happend?

Best, Kensal

PS: On second thought, Mills is right. Let's go back to Parkers.
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