Thread: 8 Bore Loads
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8 Bore Loads
Unread 05-07-2024, 07:13 PM   #1
Jim McKee
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Default 8 Bore Loads

The British allow any size shotgun for water fowling – at-least for the present time.
Douglas McDougall wrote two books “8 Bore Guns and Their Cartridges and More 8 Bore Loads.

This was after extensive testing at a time before and after Eley quit making 8 bore cartridges.
Solid Brass cases were available in several lengths-3.25”; 3.5”; 3.75”; 4.25”
Eley and Remington cases were 3.25”

Shot weights ranged from 2; 2.25; 2.5; 2.75 & 3 oz
Many different loads were tested.

His book(S) show patterning results with 2-3 oz of # 3; # 1 & BB (British sizes) at 60 & 70 yds.

His conclusions: for all 2-2.5 oz shot stick to # 3 shot= max effective range 60 yds
# 1 shot in 2.75 or 3 oz should provide adequate pattern and penetration at nearly 70 yds.
BB shot cannot be recommended.

This book provides much practical information concerning loading and realistic ranges. I sold my first book only to look for another and found it in January at a gun show.

I miss my Charles Lancaster 8 bore 13.5 lb 36 in Damascus under lever hammer gun
Attached Images
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File Type: jpg 8 bore 3.jpg (120.0 KB, 4 views)
File Type: jpg 8 bore 4.jpg (506.6 KB, 3 views)
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