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Unread 11-18-2023, 01:04 PM   #17
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Don't know the brand or source, but 15-20 years agoi I attended the huge gun show they had in Louisville in January and suddenly it seemed that every gun in the thousand or so displays there was coated in some sort of discussing crap that was as shiny as polished glass and coated the entire gun, metal and wood. It was so intense that it was hard to see detail in the metal or stock grain. Sounds like the same stuff. I haven't seen it anywhere for several years. I suspect everyone was hesitant about buying anything coated like that.

Originally Posted by Andrew Sacco View Post
I noted at the Southern in Sanford last time I was there a great number of the guns displayed by CSMC had outstanding and shiny case coloring. Foxes, Parkers, LCs, didn't matter, they were all clearly sprayed with something. When I asked Louis if they sprayed all their guns he just walked away (he's quite a guy let me tell you). Maybe I offended him, but DO some dealers spray their guns prior to display? The give away would have been the overspray or over "brush" onto some of the wood and I wondered if they removed this prior to shipping.
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