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Unread 09-30-2022, 08:07 AM   #8
Harold Pickens
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I shot my first grouse with a tenite stocked 311 in 12 ga that my Uncle Keith lent me . I was about 15 yrs old, and could walk over the hill and get into rabbits, squirrel, grouse, and even quail. Shot my first quail with my H&R Bay State 12 ga single shot. No bird dogs involved back then.
An elderly cousin, who I always thought of as an uncle/mentor gifted me a Fox Model B 20 ga, after I was able to cure his double vision that had plagued him for years. He told me he had a 20 Fox he wanted to give me, and I was really excited, as at the time I was carrying a Sterlingworth 16 in the grouse woods. Was temporarily disapointed it was a Model B, but what I wouldnt give to spend a day with him again.
I lent both of those guns to my brother Dale, and doubtful I'll ever see them again, but happy he is shooting them.
"How kind it is that most of us will never know when we have fired our last shot"--Nash Buckingham
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