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Garry L Gordon 02-02-2024 11:43 AM

Last Gasp in Kansas
10 Attachment(s)
After enduring bitter cold and deep snow that stole our Iowa and Missouri bird season endings, we made a last gasp hunt to Kansas when we saw a break in the weather -- and the weather helped to make this a memorable hunt. With sunny skies, light breezes (yes, on the prairie!), and temperatures warm enough to make you take a break at noon to cool off, we had a memorable hunt, memorable for the final take on our bird season, if not for large numbers of birds.

Birds were scarce, but we found enough to keep us keen. These birds were veterans and knew every dirty trick in the book, often flushing wild and scattered...and in thick, knarly cover that seldom offered a good shot. Still, we were hunting one last time and felt blessed to be out after the foul weather we'd had.

Here are a few pictures from our hunt:

1. Rill encountered her first armadillo. The warm weather had them out in force and they distracted the dogs to no end.

2. The dogs could stay in the cabin with us, making for enjoyable evenings. Aspen really liked being able to rest on the couch.

3,4&5. When we did encounter birds, they often were in places that made for difficult shooting. Although I did not distinguish myself, I made a shot or two that made it easier to sleep at night.

6. Rill's first season has gone well, in spite of low bird numbers and limited chances. Here she pins a single in some heavy brush. Try as I might to honor her work, there were many times that no shots were offered...or, I missed. She's a good girl, and never seems to hold a grudge.

7&8 Taking breaks to enjoy the day is what makes our hunts so enjoyable. We hunt hard, but we also take time to just be content in wonderful places doing what we love.

9&10 What it's about, this hunting thing that captures our souls and keeps us going...and hoping for another season to come.

Joseph Sheerin 02-02-2024 11:52 AM

Great pics as always!

Reggie Bishop 02-02-2024 02:27 PM

Thanks for sharing one last hoorah for the hunt!!

Bruce Hering 02-02-2024 02:45 PM

Gary: Good stuff..... Glad ya got a last shot at being in the field this season. Rill looks great and as always great pics.

Harold Lee Pickens 02-02-2024 03:09 PM

Glad you got out there, I was invited to go to both Kansas and SD, but could do neither as wife had booked us a trip to Aruba. What part of Kansas did you hunt(not specific), didn't know they had armadillo, but only hunted NW Kansas.

Jerry Harlow 02-02-2024 03:24 PM

The way things used to be in the Old Dominion where you resided years ago.

Garry L Gordon 02-02-2024 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Harold Lee Pickens (Post 404571)
Glad you got out there, I was invited to go to both Kansas and SD, but could do neither as wife had booked us a trip to Aruba. What part of Kansas did you hunt(not specific), didn't know they had armadillo, but only hunted NW Kansas.

We are in KC now, Harold, pigging out on BBQ and watching for Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift. :) It ain’t Aruba, but it’ll do.

We were in the Southern Flint Hills. Based on what other hunters were telling our host, bird numbers have been down and they’ve had bad drought. We had one bird-less day (exploring), but I’m okay with a couple of coveys if the pups get bird work and we can take a bird or two. The weather was maybe our biggest trophy — that and the beauty of the prairie.

(PS. Armadillos? Lord yes!! Plenty of ‘em.)

Dan Steingraber 02-02-2024 05:49 PM

How wonderful. I contemplated a last minute trip myself when I saw the weather forecast but unfortunately I had scheduled a couple meetings this week and didn't want to cancel. Thanks for the pictures.

Garry L Gordon 02-02-2024 09:19 PM

As Sparse Grey Hackle wrote, “The trout don’t rise in Greenwood Cemetery.” I’m pretty sure birds don’t flush there either.

Chris Pope 02-03-2024 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Garry L Gordon (Post 404595)
As Sparse Grey Hackle wrote, “The trout don’t rise in Greenwood Cemetery.” I’m pretty sure birds don’t flush there either.

Wonderful photos and story! Great ending to the season and I especially liked what appeared to be a rock solid point on that Armadillo! Our pup (similar age) has pointed a lot of Carolina Wrens and Anoles.

For those who like flyfishing lore and not familiar with Garry's reference to Sparse Gray Hackle there is a decent bio and interview of him done by Hoagie Bix Carmichael (Hoagie Carmichael's son) on Youtube at the link below. The piece includes several minutes of interview with Nick Lyons also.

Thanks Garry!

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