Parker Gun Collectors Association Forums

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Joe Winnicki 02-02-2019 11:54 AM

Items for sale
Like others I cannot excess guns or parts for sale. One of the prime reasons I joined this forum. This issue needs to be resolved. Return our money or renew the memberships from the point that we finally get excess to that portion of the forum. PGCA should not entice people to pay for services they cannot provide !


Joe Winnicki

PS: Member of a dozen other trouble free forums.

Dean Romig 02-02-2019 12:30 PM

Joe - Please refrain from making unfounded accusations against our fine organization. The fact that you are having trouble in learning how to post items for sale does not constitute something faulty with the PGCA or its website.

You need to have a private discussion with our webmaster and administrator John Dunkle but I suggest you get that chip off your shoulder before you contact him by PM.


Joe Winnicki 02-04-2019 01:06 PM

Wow over 21,000 posts. Wish I had the time critique ever post on the Parker Site. A simple question was asked " where is the for section " asked more than once, no decent response. It looks like I posted in the correct section "hammer guns" my hammer gun sold.


Joe Winnicki

Dean Romig 02-04-2019 07:06 PM

Joe - Congratulations on the sale of your hammer gun. I'm glad the Parker Gun Collectors Association was able to fulfill your reason for joining.


Joe Winnicki 02-05-2019 12:06 AM

Thanks for your guidance.

Joe Winnicki

Bill Murphy 04-04-2019 12:04 PM

Joe, if you are active on a dozen other websites, please let us know what your post totals are over there. Critical comments about Dean's 21,000 posts is a lowball hit, and you should apologize. I have over 10,000 posts here and am somewhat proud of every one. By the way, it's "access", not "excess". We hope you enjoy your time here, but have some doubts that you will. By the way, Joe, on your first request for information on the "for sale" subforum, you were immediately given the information you requested. I won't argue about "immediately" since, in your opinion, we shouldn't be reading or posting as often as some of us do.

George M. Purtill 04-06-2019 11:11 AM

Your 18 posts since June 2015 is not really very active on this forum but like my mom said if you don't have something nice to say you shouldn't say anything at all. She must have said that to you as well.

Mike Koneski 04-19-2019 02:02 PM

It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent's fritters.

Jeff Corigliano 11-21-2020 09:06 AM

As a new member I want to say that EVERYTHING HAS BEEN GREAT. It was EASY to register and pay my membership fee. I got a beautiful packet in the mail in 2 days ! Everyone has been polite and very helpful.

Posting photos was easy. What a GREAT site. Very user friendly. So glad I joined. Kudos to all who make this site work so well.

Wishing all members and their families a happy and SAFE Thanksgiving !!! Jeff

Kurt Sethlang 11-22-2020 07:30 AM

I’m new to this site and it may take a minute to figure out where everything is but that’s not unusual when you are a new user. I have found everyone to be very helpful and courteous.
My package arrived on time with a nice letter , pin and a thank you...
I’m a buyer not a seller so I’ll take my time until I can figure out my way around the protocols for PGCA.... I’m 100% sure it will all work out....
Now it’s been a mount since my last Parker purchase.... I’m having withdrawal symptoms;)

Mills Morrison 11-22-2020 07:55 AM

This is a great site and even better if you are a member and can access the members only section.

Andrew Sacco 11-22-2020 09:26 AM

I kinda like this forum but who am I to say : )

Gary Laudermilch 11-23-2020 06:26 PM

Joe, it says you are a "forum associate" and not a PGCA member. As such you cannot access the for sale section.

JimmyClark 04-17-2022 04:33 PM

Where can I find Parker decals?

Mills Morrison 04-17-2022 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by JimmyClark (Post 361820)
Where can I find Parker decals?

Become a member and you get them in your membership package

Harry Gietler 04-21-2022 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew Sacco (Post 316531)
I kinda like this forum but who am I to say : )

I Agreed-----Harry

Alfred Greeson 11-01-2022 10:58 PM

You just gotta love it. Heck, the fore end tool I got from Dean for just a few bucks has saved my Trojans and my wife was really tired of all the swearing anyway! On a bad day, just checking in to see what is going great for like minded gun folks is good therapy and just checking on the stock market is enough to send you over the edge. Very proud of my modest Parker collection and definitely owe it to what I have learned on this forum, just a big Thank You to all our fellow gun nuts, easy to have worse hobbies but really hard to find anything more rewarding than being a member here.

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