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Ted Hicks 04-01-2020 09:17 AM

Seresto Collar
First, I did some searching and did not find anything on this topic; I apologize if I missed it.

As has been mentioned on this site lately, tick season has returned at least up here in the Northeast and I've removed at least 50 live ticks from my setter over the past two weeks alone.

We have him on Nexgard which is effective at killing ticks that bite him and draw blood, but he still brings live ticks into the house regularly. I wanted to try something else that could help prevent that. After reading around and talking to my Vet, I decided to try the Seresto collar. It is supposed to repel ticks to prevent them from getting on the dog in the first place, but then it is also supposed to kill them on contact.

I was just wondering if any PGCA folks have experience or other thoughts on this collar or other options for controlling ticks. Feel free to chime in!

Gary Laudermilch 04-01-2020 09:39 AM

I used Frontline Plus for years with good success. But, as you say it only kills them when they attempt to attach. The ticks were so bad last fall that it was not uncommon to remove over a hundred after a run. So, I switched to the Seresto collar late last fall because of its supposed repellent ability. I have to say it does indeed seem to repel them and I have not found one tick attached. I put new collars on the dogs this spring at the first sign of tick activity and again it seems to do the job.

As an aside, my daughter-in-law is a vet tech and she states that they have had numerous cases where dogs had an adverse reaction to the Seresto collar. So, if you switch be on the lookout for problems. I have had none.

Dean Romig 04-01-2020 09:48 AM

We use Frontline (45lbs. - 88lbs) on Grace. It is effective at killing ticks on her - we often find dead ones in her hair and we encounter many ticks trying to find a way off of her, on the surface of her head and face fir and on her coat around her neck and shoulders.

But a few still come into the house on her and we spend time picking them off of her with tweezers and burning them over the gas range in the kitchen... but I won't keep her in a kennel so I guess it's just a fact of life that we simply have to be diligent.

Ticks are a big deal with us because of Kathy's compromised immune system so we're extra careful. Trust me, I hate to put these poisons on my girl but it is necessary so we do it and we're living with all these responsibilities.... and now Covid-19....


Harold Lee Pickens 04-01-2020 10:34 AM

I like/use Seresto collars, but now change them every 6 mo. instead of the advertised 8 mo. I'll ask my brother which is his favorite, he's a vet. Maybe Shawn will weigh in with his opinion--don't know if Lyme disease is a big problem out west.(yet)

Eric Eis 04-01-2020 10:44 AM

I too have been using the Seresto collar and have been happy with the results and I change them out every six months like Harold. If you buy online be careful as there are counterfeits on the market, if the price is super low probably is a counterfeit. Check the Bayer website for more info.

I just went on line the collar sells $57 or two for $105 at retailers I trust, ie Walmart, Chewy, Petsmart etc., I saw others advertised between $18 and $30 these are the counterfeits (from China) if you look at the labels you can see the difference, wrong dog on the label, much wider white margin on another, so I guess it is wise to buy from a retailer that you know.

Jay Gardner 04-01-2020 10:59 AM

I’ve used both Frontline and Seresto with similar results but I prefer Seresto because I put on a collar and forget about it for 6-months. If I’m going to be running in a heavily tick infested area I will also use Adams spray on repellent. It lasts 2-3 days and doesn’t smell too bad.

Dean Romig 04-01-2020 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Harold Lee Pickens (Post 298210)
I don't know if Lyme disease is a big problem out west.(yet)

Lyme isn’t the only dangerous pathogen transmitted through tick bites. I was pretty sick for two weeks after a tick bite a few years back. It wasn’t Lyme but doc said it was a pretty rare bacteria almost always caused by a tick.


Harold Lee Pickens 04-01-2020 11:34 AM

My brother Dale, the vet in Ashville, NC, has also warned me about the counterfeit Seresto collars out there--so I just have him get mine.

Ted Hicks 04-01-2020 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dean Romig (Post 298219)
Lyme isn’t the only dangerous pathogen transmitted through tick bites. I was pretty sick for two weeks after a tick bite a few years back. It wasn’t Lyme but doc said it was a pretty rare bacteria almost always caused by a tick.

When I got Lyme disease a few years back from a tick bite, my doctor said the same thing...many types of bacteria are carried/transmitted by ticks. I saw the Doctor about 5 days after the tick bite when the classic "bulls eye" rash appeared. I said "Well, as long as it isn't Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever..." He replied: "We know it's not that because if it was you'd be dead by now."

Thanks for all the information about this!

Eric Eis 04-01-2020 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jay Gardner (Post 298217)
I’ve used both Frontline and Seresto with similar results but I prefer Seresto because I put on a collar and forget about it for 6-months. If I’m going to be running in a heavily tick infested area I will also use Adams spray on repellent. It lasts 2-3 days and doesn’t smell too bad.

Jay, what is Adams spray, never heard of it before and where do you get it?

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