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calvin humburg 05-12-2010 07:59 AM

don't know what I did
I can make fire without matches but this thing continually kicks me in the as*.When I go to the thread its great big with that blue slidy jobber under it the pictures are huge. ch:banghead:

Dean Romig 05-12-2010 03:17 PM

Are you trying to post pictures?

calvin humburg 05-12-2010 09:44 PM

No, I was looking at Jack's ol dog and i accidently might of hit a key and shazam it got big. Every thing else is normal except that thread.

Jack Cronkhite 05-13-2010 08:54 AM

Calvin: Pretty sure you did nothing wrong. I had a look at that thread a few times and once, for no reason I know of, the picture took on a life of its own and became huge. It's either a technical tid bit that John Dunkle may understand or TAZ is trying to communicate from the great beyond.

calvin humburg 05-13-2010 09:42 PM

I like to think it is your ol buddy TAZ! ch where were you 2 at in second picture with all the little rocks?

Jack Cronkhite 05-14-2010 12:06 AM

Calvin: What you don't see to the left of the image is shelter belt hedgerow around a grain storage compound with several bins. TAZ had gone in to find a few huns he had scented (good nose in a wind like that). We were just out for an exercise hike as bird season was over. The rocks are the surface of a gravel road. TAZ had a bit of a surprise when he passed beyond the shelter belt wind break - it was sudden blizzard and he couldn't keep his eyes open and squinted his way to me. The car was another 30-40 yards from that point. Both he and I were happy enough to say the exercise was done that day. Here's another shot of TAZ, one of my favorites, almost like he could see into the future.

calvin humburg 05-14-2010 06:17 AM

yes. Its nice you have some really good pictures of him.

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