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Bruce P Bruner 12-21-2021 10:37 AM

Name this Damascus Pattern:
2 Attachment(s)
Doing some homework for a potential purchase. This interesting pattern seemed a bit different than what I'm accustomed to. The shotgun is an early W.W. Greener in the 20000 serial range. Perhaps it's a variation of 2-rod Crolle. I couldn't do any better on the photos. Thoughts?

Bruce P Bruner 12-23-2021 04:14 PM

W.W. Greener Laminated Damascus Steel
I have identified the photos above as "Greener 3 Iron “Silver Steel” .
Best Silver Steel Damascus barrels contain over 70% of the finest steel, and it is the systematic twisting and arrangement of the iron and steel bars, as they are welded together and beaten into a flat ribbon before being coiled into the form of a tube, that give the beautiful figure or pattern observed in a first-class twist barrel...
Laminated steel barrels differ but slightly from those known as 'Damascus.' The former were first made by Mr. W. Greener (senior), of Birmingham, about 1850, and were composed of three parts steel and one part iron. At the present time the best English Damascus, as well as laminated steel barrels, contain over 60% of the harder metal, and there is little perceptible difference between Damascus and a Laminated Damascus barrel, as both are of very similar workmanship and materials.
The above information is contained here:

It's somewhat confusing considering both "Laminated and Damascus" can have similar and overlapping manufacturing processes and some barrels construction is known as "Laminated Damascus".
Simply fascinating!

Mike Koneski 12-30-2021 01:38 PM

Good digging Bruce. That is a pretty gun. I will add that if you want to name that Damascus pattern, I'd go with "Chuck". Chuck is a good name for stuff that is old and twisted. :cool:

Bruce P Bruner 12-30-2021 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Mike Koneski (Post 351601)
Good digging Bruce. That is a pretty gun. I will add that if you want to name that Damascus pattern, I'd go with "Chuck". Chuck is a good name for stuff that is old and twisted. :cool:

Could you possibly be referring to a certain "Chuck" that has his signature on those letters I keep getting in the mail?
The "Greener" was sold, however not to me. I didn't bid based on principle. I emailed the seller some basic questions about the shotgun and I didn't get the common courtesy of a reply. That has frequently happened lately and if those people think I'm purchasing anything sight unseen without a Q&A discussion they can sell their wares to someone else.
It may well have been a nice one for the price but even a "Bottom Feeder" like me has rules of engagement. Many listings have minimal or no description and it's very easy to just pass on by.

Dean Romig 12-30-2021 02:17 PM

I would recommend Dr. Drew Hause for composite barrel pattern identification.


Bruce P Bruner 12-30-2021 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Dean Romig (Post 351606)
I would recommend Dr. Drew Hause for composite barrel pattern identification.

I agree Dean, I have had correspondence with Dr. Drew and his expertise is unquestionably remarkable. His historical research compilation of Damascus history and identification can be found here:

Chuck Bishop 12-30-2021 03:15 PM

I resemble that remark! Go Cincinnati!

Mike Koneski 12-30-2021 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Chuck Bishop (Post 351614)
I resemble that remark! Go Cincinnati!


Mike Koneski 12-30-2021 05:55 PM

Bruce, bottom feeders unite!!!! I’m with you 100%!!

todd allen 01-17-2022 11:48 AM

I am no expert on composite barrels, though I did bring Oscar Gaddy to a pigeon shoot once.

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