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Jack Cronkhite 05-05-2010 10:53 PM

I caught it - What Now??

Harry Collins 05-06-2010 06:56 AM

I wish I could advise that poor dog. I've spent 62 years chasing my tail and it led to nowhere....


Dean Romig 05-06-2010 07:10 AM

That dog would probably be the first ever to catch a car...

...same question though - "Now what do I do with it?"

Dave Suponski 05-06-2010 08:33 AM

Some day's that's what I feel like......:rolleyes:

Jack Cronkhite 05-06-2010 11:39 AM

CHARLIE is a nut case on many levels and an overall fun dog. Really looking forward to this fall. We have been through two obedience levels and have gone into agility training, which she enjoys immensely. She has started to retrieve on occasion but she really does not have that as a natural ability. If it never comes, I'll still be content with finding and flushing, which she has done well since early puppyhood.

As for that tail, it is very much out of proportion to her body. I think it was supposed to be long enough for a full husky curl but the lab influence straightened it. She routinely chews on it. Good thing she has a soft mouth.

Words that come to mind with this particular shot are "futility, pointlessness, getting nowhere fast, waste of time......." (feel free to add).

Kind of like engaging in a conversation with a vegetarian on the health benefits of eating game meat.


Dave Fuller 05-06-2010 07:24 PM

My springer has a docked tail so she doesn't know it's there... Good thing cause I'd have a whirling dervish on my hands.

John Dallas 05-06-2010 08:56 PM

OT _ Instead of a canine hunting himself, how about golden eagles hunting bigger canines (wolves)

Jack Cronkhite 05-09-2010 11:32 PM

Had a look at some pics of an old departed friend tonight. CHARLIE has some mighty big paws to fill. This fella was also a big goof but pretty serious in the pheasant fields. TAZ in his prime.

Harry Collins 05-10-2010 06:56 AM


What a handsome beast! We love and remember them long after they are gone.....

Kindest, Harry

calvin humburg 05-10-2010 07:20 AM

He was a good lookin dog. Looked smart. The snow looks pretty deep also unless you got 2 wire fences up there. ch Oh, about the eagles hunting wolves impressive. I always fell kind of sorry for the baby rabbits the hawks get when i'm working in the field, but the hawks and eagles have to eat and I respect them, true hunters. And I respect all the preditors on the planes that live by the hunt including tha yellow dog I can't even figure out how to spell. ch

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