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Jack Cronkhite 02-04-2010 01:12 PM

Is there a suppport group??
Okay, so I'm minding my own business and check the email and GA has a wishlist item pop up. I look and say leave it alone but ask the seller a few questions anyway. Any good reasons to pass??

How about

1. The kids need new shoes (nope, they are grown and gone)
2. I don't need it (true, but what about wanting??)
3. Valentine's day is fast approaching and I know this isn't for her
4. Those kind of barrels routinely blow up just looking at them
5. It looks unmolested so it probably has totally seized up innards
6. Way too many handling marks for the exorbitant price tag
7. It only has 28" barrels so probably hacked off 32 incher
8. I'm really looking for SN 27631 not the jumbled version 176023
9. It only has extractors
10. I won't have to worry because after posting the link I will have become an enabler for another poor addict.

If it is still on there 3 days from now and no one has given a good reason to pass, I may have to scratch the itch again.


E Robert Fabian 02-04-2010 01:24 PM

I think you have to go with # 4:shock:

Dave Suponski 02-04-2010 01:50 PM

I think 10 will probably happen....:rolleyes:

Pete Lester 02-04-2010 01:55 PM

Let's ask John Dunkle to create a support group forum for those collectors who believe or were told they may be addicted. We can all get on-line at predetermined times. There will be 12 steps to recovery and each person can start out introducing themselves in humble fashion ex. My name is E. Robert Fabian, I live in Strafford NH and I have a problem...........:rotf:

Jack Cronkhite 02-04-2010 02:10 PM

Geez Dave, now you have me reconsiderng the time frame. I had to recover the listing from trash and instead of 3 days, I will wait 3 hours. In all humility: My name is Jack. I live in a frozen wasteland. I have a problem....

Marc Retallack 02-04-2010 02:15 PM


Perhaps you should consider moving south of the 49th. I'm sure you could find a doctor to sign off on your addiction, allowing you to collect social security disability. It would certainly afford you more time to "nurse" your affliction;).

Dean Romig 02-04-2010 02:37 PM

I was going to say something about the benefits of group therapy... but in rethinking the possibility I have come to the conclusion that we should really be seperated from one-another and shouldn't even be allowed to communicate with each-other. This is not just a disease that can be transmitted through bodily contact or even breathing the same air but can be contracted by merely communicating via e-mail, PMs or even posting on threads like this :coffee:

Jack Cronkhite 02-04-2010 02:43 PM

A Parker Pandemic :eek: I think Dean is bang on. I lived most my life with one Parker in it. Then it had a problem. I came here for help. Now I really need help My name is Jack..................................

Dave Suponski 02-04-2010 02:54 PM

Can we use an alias? My name is "Old Pollock" and there is this certain 16gauge O Frame in my future. This time I think I will use the rationale of "Geez they aren,t makin these anymore so I better get it now".

Oh Well....So Step one is recognizing I have a problem....Ya I have a problem all right...not enough cash....:crying:

Eric Eis 02-04-2010 03:02 PM

It bit again :eek: 12 ga DH damascus 30" barrels, not messed with so it came home with me today and yes it was another Parker member that told me about it so I think Dean is right "No communication with any other Parker owners, period.":nono:

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