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Garry L Gordon 10-19-2023 10:49 AM

Northwoods Rendezvous (A "Brooding" Indian Summer)
6 Attachment(s)
We are back in our old haunts in Northern Minnesota. As each season has its own character, this was has become another to remember. The weather has been, as it almost always is, the star of the show -- below freezing mornings followed by warmish, sun-filled days. It's hard not to stop and admire the country, but the dogs are seemingly immune to aesthetic musings.

And...we are finding birds. I've not tallied the flush/hour count yet, but on one afternoon walk with our puppy, Rill, we flushed 26 birds in two hours. We've encountered lots of broods, as many as 6 birds flushing from one location. Hard to keep your nerves when so many flush...and almost never at once.

This is Prairie Rill's first hunt. She did well on planted birds in our training sessions back in September, but she's still figuring out that there are wild birds in "them thar woods." She's made lots of progress, even making a short retrieve of a bird I managed to shoot for her. Aspen has picked up where he left off last season, and now, at 7 years, is in his prime. Having lost Alder back in July, there is still that emptiness that comes with a dog's passing, especially in the Cabin when we settle in for the night.

I've been using my 1904 DH 16. It's a heavy 1 frame gun with 26 inch barrels and needs spreader loads for the grouse woods, but it's a delight to take a bird with a gun with such history and character. I'm reminded of Craig L.'s recent thread about loving guns with good, honest wear. We'll switch guns next week to get some that sit in the safe a chance to make some memories.

I hope all of you who are able to get out this year with your Parkers and pups have success, however you measure it. Be safe...and post pictures and accounts of your hunts. I really look forward to those.

Photo Key:

1. Aspen has turned into a very fine bird dog, in spite of not having the bird numbers of his predecessors (nor the energetic handler they had:crying:)

2. Rill's first hunt has gone well, but not without its puppy moments. She is still figuring out this "grouse thing." Having good bird numbers is a blessing.

3. I managed to shoot three birds for her on a walk from which we flushed 4 broods and a total of 26 birds. To say she was excited is an extreme understatement. Pop would say, "she likes her birds!"

4. I love the patina on this old 16, and its short barrels...and, I really admire this color phase in a Northwoods grouse.

5&6. Although the weather has turned rainy, I'm grateful that we had some glorious weather days to savor after a long, hot summer of waiting.

Reggie Bishop 10-19-2023 01:00 PM

Wonderful pics! Thanks for taking us along to the Northwoods! Keep bringing the reports and illustrations!

Chris Pope 10-19-2023 02:33 PM

Beautiful! Working a young pup this fall myself...the wonderment of discovery!

Brian Hornacek 10-19-2023 07:08 PM

Right on, great post Gary!

Shawn Wayment 10-20-2023 02:46 PM

Gorgeous!! Looks like an amazing trip!

Garry L Gordon 10-21-2023 10:46 AM

7 Attachment(s)
Flush rates have come back down to earth, but we are still finding broods in good cover. The weather, with the exception of one rain day (which we desperately needed to rest tired legs), has continued its Indian Summer theme, and the color is distractingly beautiful.

We are in the middle of what we call the "Third Thursday Mayhem," when all of Minnesota's schools are out and large numbers of kids on four-wheelers hit the trails. We try to hunt around them, and take the chance to visit some of the local towns, but the woods are filled with "sportsmen" driving the trails with autoloaders at ready to bag a bird in the trail. It takes a day or two for the birds to filter back toward the trails.


1&2. Yesterday started out at 30 degrees with fog. The woods were damp and quiet, and the birds were lingering on the roost. We got more action after the sun started to burn off the fog, but it was a beautiful time to be in the cutovers and pine plantations.

3. I included this wounded alder that I shot for Brian H. I bagged this tree while taking an "easy" straight away shot over a nicely pointed pair of birds. If you see the trees that might get in the way, you're not focused on the bird, so I'll take a dead tree every now and then (and yes, Brian, I know that alders are not legal :))

4. Aspen is a sometime retriever. If he knows I see the downed bird, he thinks I should get it myself. But he'll help me when the bird is buried or hidden from view. We've agreed that this will work as long as he continues to point them for me.

5. Another bird from a brood, this one a black ruffed version. We've also seen more hares, which is a sign that the bottom of the grouse cycle is coming (if you believe the surmise of biologists).

6. I must admit to being smitten with the color of the Northwoods at this time of year. We have started taking our trips a bit later to hopefully avoid too-warm temps, and we often miss peak color. But not this year, and it's been hard not to stop and admire the Fall. Elaine and I say it's like walking through gold coins...and we are rich because of it.

7. The benediction to an 8+ mile day. After sun and clouds all day long, we got a brief shower and a sunset that made us stop to admire. Looking east as we headed back to the Cabin, we were gifted a rainbow. A perfect end to the day.

Bruce Day 10-21-2023 11:41 AM

I’m on Sand Lake from 0ct 21-28. We hunt some of the same areas. I’ll be in the woods or you can call me 8163057953

Bruce Day

Bob Hayes 10-24-2023 09:33 PM

I just saw this post.Hope you're having as much fun as we are?
definitely try next season.
We had 30 flushed yesterday and before was awesome.Today we had good numbers but went after the woodcock because we could.

Joseph Sheerin 10-25-2023 12:22 PM

Your photos never dissapoint. You can smell the damp woods, and feel the cool autumn air just by lookin at these...... Very nice.

Andrew Sacco 10-25-2023 03:17 PM

Garry, fantastic as always!

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