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Gary Carmichael Sr 01-25-2024 07:31 AM

Miss Jolie
Update on miss Jolie, She is in Remission for the lymphoma, New problem arose she was having problems breathing, Vet said opening her air way by a procedure known as arytenoid lateralization, would limit her chances of respiratory distress. The down side to all this is her chance of aspiration pneumonia also it affects the muscles in her whole body, I hope and pray I have done the right thing for her, The Vet said her airway was the size of a straw, she is breathing very well now just got her home yesterday and she is still out of it, Water is to be small amounts often, food is only given as small meatballs one at a time, I will do no more in trying to keep her with us, I will just let her go, Gary

Daryl Corona 01-25-2024 07:47 AM

Gary, I know you are doing and will do what is best for her. I just went through the same scenario with my 14 yr old lab Parker. We had a good run together but he was a shell of his former self and I knew it was time. Give Miss Jolie a scratch behind the ear for me and through in an extra meatball from me.

Phillip Carr 01-25-2024 08:19 AM

Gary my heart goes out to you. These decisions are hard to make even when we know its the most compassionate thing to do.

Garry L Gordon 01-25-2024 08:32 AM

Gary, my best to you as you love and care for your pup. She will know that everything you do is out of your love and care for her, whatever that may be. I'm hoping that she'll pick up her energy quickly and give you some really good days.

Eric Eis 01-25-2024 09:17 AM

Gary this is always the problem with loving our best companions, knowing when it is time to say good bye. I had to do this last summer to my best friend and pal he was always at my side but I knew as you will when the time is right. give her a rub from me and my prayers to you and your family. Eric

keavin nelson 01-25-2024 09:52 AM

Gary, if they only lasted longer. Going through similar things with my aging Lab, Calvin. Takes as many pills as I do! Thoughts are with you my friend.

John Dallas 01-25-2024 10:08 AM

I'm going to be faced with the same issue with Daisy (my Avitar). My vet, who was a personal friend said "The right time is when the dog is no longer having fun being a dog".

I'm sure you will make the right decision. Good luck

William Woods 02-08-2024 12:55 PM

When we have to do what is best for them is the hardest part of having them.

Gary Carmichael Sr 03-02-2024 10:50 AM

Jolie has recovered from her surgery, and is doing very well, she walks with me again with out struggling to breath, we are very careful in what she eats and how. I am very thankful for a little extra time with my girl! I have been thinking about what Dean says about another dog and the time left to be with the animal I will be 82 next Saturday and as they say time waits for no man! but still I think I would get another pup my wife is younger than me by 13 years so she could enjoy its company. Go get that pup Dean! Gary

Daryl Corona 03-02-2024 11:31 AM

Great news Gary. It's nice to hear a good outcome every now and then.

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