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Ken Hill 02-10-2023 03:53 PM

Torn ACL
I went to the vet today and got some bad news. My 10 year old Gordon setter didn’t want to put weight on her rear leg. I thought she sprained it deviling in the snow with our younger 3 year old red setter. The bad news is a torn ACL and she’ll need TPLO surgery. Vet said she was too big for another type of ACL surgery. They said she she probably shouldn’t hunt long days again. Have any of you hunted a dog after this type surgery/repair?


Garry L Gordon 02-10-2023 04:42 PM

Ken, so sorry to learn of your Gordon's issue. I've not had anything like it, but I hope the best for your girl.

Ken Hill 02-10-2023 05:05 PM


Thanks. The vet visit went even more downhill when they said both dogs have ringworms. Just one of those days.


Garry L Gordon 02-10-2023 05:10 PM

Thank goodness no ringworm experience, but I must say I've seen more injuries from our dogs "horsing around" than from hunting. We try to limit it, but, especially in the off season, and with a young dog, it's difficult to keep them from playing (and you feel like Scrooge when you do).

Again, my best to your girl.

Phillip Carr 02-10-2023 05:40 PM

I had my dog Missy experience double torn CCL’s. Same thing. I decided against surgery and let her run free in the back yard and gave her high doses of fish oil. Although she always ran and sat funny after that. Things improved and she hunted as well as any dog I have owned for the next 5 years.

bobutler 02-10-2023 06:05 PM

We don’t hunt our small golden, but he tore both 1 year apart. Decided against the surgery and opted for Dasuquin supplements every day since. He recovered very well and, even though a bit bow legged, runs and has no residual limitations. Good luck.

tom tutwiler 02-11-2023 04:56 PM

That's tough. My 8 year old Llew is having rear leg problems. Lame after 30 minutes running and wanting to put almost no weight on that leg. Did 600 bucks worth of xrays and blood work which showed nothing at all. Back to the vet again next week with perhaps the idea of doing and MRI. Big decision at that age whether you want to spend 4 K to get TPLO done or just try to rest for a few months during the off season because its not torn. Vet thinks perhaps a small tear in the CCL, but the only way to diagnose that is with an MRI and that's 1100 bucks.

Ken Hill 02-11-2023 07:52 PM

Sorry to hear that Tom. I’m waiting to get Belle scheduled for the surgery. It will probably be after the ringworm treatment.


Garry L Gordon 02-11-2023 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ken Hill (Post 382253)
Sorry to hear that Tom. I’m waiting to get Belle scheduled for the surgery. It will probably be after the ringworm treatment.


Good luck to your girl, Ken. Keep us posted.

John Taddeo 02-12-2023 04:17 AM

I had a 6 year old Shorthair haveTPLO surgery done on both legs Ken..6 month recovery and she hunted and ran just about as she did before the surgery.. Never did affect her stamina..

William Woods 02-13-2023 09:33 PM

My vet recommended against surgery for a torn ACL in an older dog. I was told that in his experience they will most likely tear the ACL in the other leg within a year.

Best of luck with your Gordon.

tom tutwiler 02-14-2023 07:10 AM

Any updates?

Ken Hill 02-14-2023 09:41 AM


I’m still waiting to schedule the surgery. Belle still can’t put weight on her leg after 5 weeks. I can’t see not doing the surgery. I’ll let you guys know how it works out.


tom tutwiler 02-14-2023 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Ken Hill (Post 382496)

I’m still waiting to schedule the surgery. Belle still can’t put weight on her leg after 5 weeks. I can’t see not doing the surgery. I’ll let you guys know how it works out.


Good luck. I've taken the advise from a Vet that I should do nothing right now. Sophie has been leash walked only for the last 10 days. No sign of a limp. New pup coming in on March 9th. I figure if she tears it completely it will happen after they start rough horsing in the backyard. If that happens I'll do the TPLO. Vet said, no point in doing anything else right now and hope that rest over the next 3 weeks will help. Time will tell.

Assuming your pup has successful surgery, you should have plenty of time to recover for next hunting season, even though it may be light duty.

John Taddeo 02-14-2023 02:25 PM

I was told by the Veterinary surgeon (post ACL surgery) that it was very important to perform the range of motion exercises they will prescribe. Insisting that it makes for a much quicker and easier recovery. Best of luck to You and Belle

John Dallas 02-14-2023 03:44 PM

30 years ago,my springer blew out her knee , and after surgery, the vet encouraged swimming therapy. Don't know if things have changed, but she recovered very well

Ken Hill 02-14-2023 08:54 PM

Thanks guys. Swimming would be a new thing for Belle. She only wants to get knee deep in the water unless she’s been running a lot. Then she’ll just lay down in it. My vet does recommend certain recovery exercises after the operation. I’ll discuss these comments with him, as the surgery gets scheduled.


Ken Hill 04-30-2023 02:41 PM

An update on Belle. She had her surgery on 21 Mar and got stitches out 11 days later. It was a little rough when she first came home (she didn’t stay overnight). However after about 5 days she was getting around ok. She started putting weight on her leg around 8 days. Right now everything seems to be going well and she’s using her leg (she stopped putting weight on her in early Jan and just kept it off the ground). She is still restricted to being on a leash and no exercise. We see the vet on 11 May for another checkup and hopefully she’ll be able to do some minor leash walking.


Harry Sanders 05-06-2023 09:34 PM

My Gordon, Cooper was a double TPLO. His first was uneventful. The second when he was older 8 was a bigger deal. A bit of PT and a lot of underwater treadmill. He hunted until 11. then enjoyed retirement.

Craig Larter 05-07-2023 08:31 AM

I had a very talented Lab who was a great duck hunter and on her way to being a AKC Master Hunter. She had TPLO surgery on both knees. I retired her from hunt testing and she went on to have a happy life as a great duck hunter and family pet. I have another 12yo Lab currently that had a 30% tear in one knee which happened as a young dog. I decided to not do surgery but treated with Movoflex as recommended by a top orthopedic vet. She has been great with no restrictions but does come up lame after vigorous exercise. One anti-inflammatory med and she is good to go the next day.

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