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William Eddleman 09-02-2015 07:29 AM

PayPal Does Not Support Our Hobby. Why Do We Use Them?
I don't know if the Parker Association Membership Board is aware of the fact that PayPal does not support our primary hobby and specifically prohibits the use of PayPal for transactions involving firearms, and related items. If we are aware of this policy by PayPal, I am curious as to why we would provide them their fees on each membership renewal? That cannot be an inconsequential payment to Paypal for something that they are opposed to as stated in their policy statement. It also seems counter intuitive to a great organization that's primary mission is to promote ownership and knowledge about Parker Guns. Below is the policy information directly from PayPal's site.

Prohibited Activities
You may not use the PayPal service for activities that:

violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation.
relate to transactions involving
(j) ammunition, firearms, or certain firearm parts or accessories,
As a result I will only pay my membership dues via a check so that I am not giving money to an organization that specifically states that they do not support gun ownership.

Jay Gardner 09-02-2015 08:10 AM

I really don't have a problem with PayPal's policies toward firearms. I am sure it's not because they are anti-gun as much as the potential for unknowingly facilitating illegal transfers. If I were running PP I would probably take the same position.

Dean Romig 09-02-2015 08:32 AM

Actually Bill, the BOD was made aware of your opinion on this matter immediately after you contacted Mary Bowes with your concerns. She, in turn, forwarded your email to the entire BOD and officers.

We all read your email with great interest and await your suggestion for a solution that supports the PGCA's commitment to the entire membership to make it easier to pay membership dues and to order research letters online.

To the best of our knowledge, Pay-Pal is the "only game in town" that can fulfill our collective needs/requirements.


William Eddleman 09-02-2015 09:23 AM

I will do some research and see if I can provide you some alternatives to PayPal. In other words, I will do my due diligence to see if they in fact are "the only game in town". I do know for example that Gun Broker has prohibited the Pay Pal logo from being put on any of their sales ads as their way of not supporting Pay Pal's policy. I will respond and in the interim thank you for your consideration in this matter.

David Dwyer 09-02-2015 09:24 AM

Thank You!! I will now stop my use of Paypal

William Eddleman 09-02-2015 09:47 AM

Would One of These Payment Services Work?

Originally Posted by Dean Romig (Post 176257)
Actually Bill, the BOD was made aware of your opinion on this matter immediately after you contacted Mary Bowes with your concerns. She, in turn, forwarded your email to the entire BOD and officers.

We all read your email with great interest and await your suggestion for a solution that supports the PGCA's commitment to the entire membership to make it easier to pay membership dues and to order research letters online.

To the best of our knowledge, Pay-Pal is the "only game in town" that can fulfill our collective needs/requirements.


In a quick search I find that there are several other online payment services that may fit the bill for PGCA. A couple of them will accept payments even from an existing PayPal account for those members that would not want to switch. If the BOD would in fact entertain other payment options besides Pay Pal, I will research the policies page for any of them you direct, specifically looking for prohibitions that are counter to the intentions of the PGCA. Please review the link below and let me know if you want me to go further in evaluating any of these sites. Thanks for listening. Bill

Dean Romig 09-02-2015 12:28 PM

Bill, thanks for your interest and your concern.

You have pointed out the fact that there may be other online payment options - thank you.

I think we need to keep a few things in mind before we get too deeply involved in any suggestion that we change from Pay-Pal to some other vendor of such a service.

1.) Those who get things done for the benefit of the entire membership are strictly volunteer members... nobody gets paid for what they do... and they do a lot.

2.) Those who set everything up that was required to make Pay-Pal work, put in countless hours doing so (it took several months from start to finish) - and after it was in place, hours of testing and re-testing to fine-tune it so that it would be as seamless and painless as possible, did so on their own time (time subtracted from family time and other things they would rather be doing) and we owe them our support and thanks for a job well done.

They were: John Dunkle, Mary Bowes, Allan Swanson, Larry Frey, and Chuck Bishop.

In choosing Pay-Pal these folks used all due-diligence and were in constant communication with the folks at Pay-Pal. It was well known to Pay-Pal that we are a GUN collectors organization and we were never mistreated because of the word "gun".

I don't pretend to speak for these five good folks, but it would surprise me greatly if they would step forward to do it all over again to "fix" a system that isn't "broken".

Just my two cents folks...


Steve Huffman 09-02-2015 12:37 PM


Jay Gardner 09-02-2015 12:45 PM

I agree with Dean. If you don't want to pay your dues via PP then send a check. Asking the system to be changed solely because they don't accept payment for firearms, ammunition or "certain parts" is no reason to burden the board and administrative staff with unnecessary work.

William Eddleman 09-02-2015 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dean Romig (Post 176274)
Bill, thanks for your interest and your concern.

You have pointed out the fact that there may be other online payment options - thank you.

I think we need to keep a few things in mind before we get too deeply involved in any suggestion that we change from Pay-Pal to some other vendor of such a service.

1.) Those who get things done for the benefit of the entire membership are strictly volunteer members... nobody gets paid for what they do... and they do a lot.

2.) Those who set everything up that was required to make Pay-Pal work, put in countless hours doing so (it took several months from start to finish) - and after it was in place, hours of testing and re-testing to fine-tune it so that it would be as seamless and painless as possible, did so on their own time (time subtracted from family time and other things they would rather be doing) and we owe them our support and thanks for a job well done.

They were: John Dunkle, Mary Bowes, Allan Swanson, Larry Frey, and Chuck Bishop.

In choosing Pay-Pal these folks used all due-diligence and were in constant communication with the folks at Pay-Pal. It was well known to Pay-Pal that we are a GUN collectors organization and we were never mistreated because of the word "gun".

I don't pretend to speak for these five good folks, but it would surprise me greatly if they would step forward to do it all over again to "fix" a system that isn't "broken".

Just my two cents folks...


Understood. My principle interest was to let the BOD aware, as well as any members that are interested; on the fact that PayPal's policy does not support transactions related to our principal hobby, i.e. firearms ownership. Thanks for taking the time to give this matter your consideration. Bill

Dean Romig 09-02-2015 02:15 PM

Thanks very much Bill.

I think I'm speaking for the entire BOD in saying we always appreciate hearing from the members on issues that concern them as regard the PGCA Membership's best interests.

Best Regards, Dean


John Taddeo 09-06-2015 08:21 AM

I am confused here..... I can Buy a set of 10 gauge barrels on E bay right now using Pay Pal.... What am I missing....

Jay Gardner 09-06-2015 09:25 AM

Nothing. The prohibition is only for complete firearms, ammunition and certain parts (probably the same parts that have restrictions everywhere).

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