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Phil Yearout 02-19-2024 07:14 PM

It sounds like the index is still in limbo pending sufficient pre-orders. According to Daniel they must have enough $ to pay the printer up-front. I have no idea where they are with this or how much money it will take; didn't feel it was my place to ask.

Personally I would like to see a third index and I think it will be a shame if it doesn't happen. If you'd like to see it too and haven't ordered I urge you to go ahead and place an order; it's not a lot of money - the price of a few boxes of shells maybe.

If any of you would post on other relevant sites that would be great. Our last chance for a publication from these folks who have given so much to the double gun community. JMO.

Russ Jackson 02-19-2024 07:35 PM

I thought it was a GO ! , I ordered mine as soon as I received my notification ! I hope also they get enough orders !

Rick Losey 02-19-2024 07:45 PM

ok -

so how will using the credit owed help pay the advance to the printer?

Phil Yearout 02-19-2024 08:11 PM

If you have enough credit to pay for the whole thing I guess it won't.

Bill Murphy 02-20-2024 09:37 AM

Daniel has had my money for some time.

Brian Dudley 02-20-2024 09:41 AM

What a ridiculous way to do business.

Phil Yearout 02-20-2024 10:34 AM

Pre-selling a book is fairly common in the publishing industry, especially when the book is particularly expensive to produce, as this one will be. And let's remember, this is not a big publishing house we're dealing with here.

Ken Hill 02-22-2024 07:16 PM

This is the latest post on the DGJ Facebook page. Looks like the publication is moving along with a slight delay.

“ We have extended the deadline to order The Double Gun Journal- Index & Reader Vol. 3 at the pre-publication price. By April 1st is now the extended deadline for these orders, and the books should be published and delivered to us for shipping by or before the end of that month. Of course we will continue to accept orders after 1 April 2024, but since the printing will take place soon after that date, the supply will then be limited to the number not already pre-ordered and set for delivery. Please direct all questions concerning the above, to Daniel Côté via this page or to:


Frank Srebro 04-01-2024 03:19 PM

Any update on the current promise for the end of the month (April)?

Bill Murphy 04-02-2024 11:50 AM

Pre selling is normally referring to dealer orders, not individual orders. Without a magazine to advertise for this Volume 3, orders may be a bit slow coming. Not everyone is a participant on a collector's forum. I'll be waiting patiently for the end of April to see what happens.

Ronald A Moore 04-02-2024 02:26 PM

reader III
Looks like we might or not get it soon or ever. I hope we do, I agree with Brian, not a good way to do business.


Dean Romig 04-02-2024 02:55 PM

For the Nay-Sayers - Daniel and Joanna Cote have busted their butts producing the Finest gun magazine in the World that caters solely to our interests.
Let’s just keep in mind that the Double Gun and Single Shot Journal as we have always known and loved it, is effectively out of business because subscriptions had been dropping off for years. But they continued the effort out of their own pockets for as long as they could.
The Double Gun Journal Index And Reader Vol. III is being published for us because they are fulfilling a Promise to us that they would.

Come on guys, lighten up.


Don Ladd 04-03-2024 11:39 AM

Very well said Dean. I am a personal friend of Danial. I have spent time with him and Joanna in their home, I have bought many great doubles from Danial in the past few years. Danial is a man of his word, we will get delivery of the index reader III, just like the Double Gun Journal was delivered for 32 years. Danial hasn't told anyone this, with his permission I'll tell everyone, Danial was very ill for 2 months over this winter and it set the index reader back for time. Expected delivery is first of May as long there isn't ant problems with the printer is what he told me. Also Double Gun Journal isn't out of business, they still sell back issues and are running everyday, the are out of business of publishing the Double Gun Journal though.

Dean Romig 04-03-2024 12:03 PM

Thanks Don, I was aware af Daniel’s illness but like you, it wasn’t my story to tell.
I also should have clarified that it is only the publication of the magazine DGJ that has ended.

Again, Thanks!


Bill Murphy 04-03-2024 12:31 PM

I'm glad my comments were positive. I never had any doubts that the book would be published. I am a bit disappointed that the authors of articles were not contacted to participate. My assumption is that some were contacted, and some were not. Waiting patiently.

Phil Yearout 04-03-2024 12:35 PM

Bill, there were several notices in the magazine asking for submissions to be considered for the index.

Frank Srebro 04-03-2024 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Bill Murphy (Post 408537)
I'm glad my comments were positive. I never had any doubts that the book would be published. I am a bit disappointed that the authors of articles were not contacted to participate. My assumption is that some were contacted, and some were not. Waiting patiently.

This author of two manuscripts that were solicited by the editors and with their publications pending when the DGJ plug was pulled, was offered publication in the Index but gratis and in trade for copies of the Index. I don't know about others.

Brian Dudley 04-03-2024 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Frank Srebro (Post 408540)
This author of two manuscripts that were solicited by the editors and with their publication pending when the plug was pulled, was offered publication in the Index but gratis and in trade for copies of the Index. I don't know about others.

Back in 2013 when I had a 15 page article published, they did not pay me a dime. And when I called them out on it all they did was offer me a subscription, back issues or catalog reprints. Things that sort of didnt cost them as much as just paying me what they should have for the submission. I pretty much wrote the publication off after that.

Ken Hill 04-04-2024 09:05 PM

This is the latest post on the DGJ Facebook page. They still working on getting the Index out.

“ We are just a few weeks away from publishing the third Index and Reader. It is a mammoth task so bear with us. In the mean time we are pleased to announce that the first two volumes are now available in our webstore in both digital and print editions, for those who don't have them yet. As a special offer, the digital editions are priced at just $9 each for a very limited time.
These volumes altogether contain 113 unpublished articles, totalling nearly 600 pages. There are two indexes, one by author and the other by subject, which makes it easy to find any article from 1989 to 1996 and 1997 to 2005. Each volume has enough reading matter to fill two quarterly issues so buying both gives you a whole year of DGJ. The print versions are beautifully bound hardbacks and are designed to complement your journal collection. Only 76 of the first volume are left so don't delay. These volumes are available as single items in our store now : Enjoy!”


Jim McKee 04-21-2024 05:51 PM

Recently sent an e-mail asking about the new mailing date
this is what I received
Hi. We are currently hoping to ship the Index & Reader III by the end of next month.
Thank you,
The Double Gun Journal"

Dean Romig 04-21-2024 07:13 PM

Last week I had a much longer and in depth and more personal communication with Daniel but the message was essentially the same.


Bill Murphy 04-22-2024 09:46 AM

That would be the "end of May". I am looking forward to that event. Thanks.

William Woods 04-22-2024 02:37 PM

I contacted Heidi some time ago to order Vol III of the Index. I have never had a problem with any order from them over the years and do not anticipate any problem with the latest.

Ken Hill 04-30-2024 07:34 PM

Daniel posted this on Facebook. It looks like he’s having trouble with getting the same type cover used in the past and is now going with a different color/cover. Looks like Index 3 will ship the end of June.

“ 90% finished with the preparation of the book BUT have not been able to find a producer of the cover material (in color or texture), as the producer in Germany, where we procured the leatherette for the slipcases has closed down, leaving us with our second choice (Skivertex) which no longer produces the color and texture we used for Index 2 more than 16 years ago. Since we are so far behind and running out of options, we will probably have to go with a much different cover material in a different color. Since the last too-many years of DGJ publication we operated at a loss since our subscriptions fell dramatically beginning in Sept. of 2001 (12,000), our advertising revenue followed suit, as the younger generation's taste for our favorite guns & rifles moved to target guns and pistols (understandably for self defense and for the times we are facing politically). As enthusiasm in our guns waned, postage costs escalated to a point making the shipping costs to foreign countries prohibitive for most of our subscribers then living in more than 60 foreign countries... so we lost those subscribers as well. At the time we discontinued production of DGJ, we had approximately 3300 faithful subscribers, and to those we sent a pre-order card for the Index 3 , back issues, slipcases , and our other products. Subscribers with remaining issues due them were given credit towards Index 3 and any of our products. Please hang on despite our misfortunes...there is the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, and by June of this year we should be shipping the long-awaited book to you. Those of you who would like a refund of the pre-publication price you paid, please contact us and we will make good. Meanwhile, to all those who have not experienced Index 1 or 2, they are both available in digital and hard copy at our website ( These are both nearing sell-out , so we offer them in digital format especially for you members not residing in the USA at only $ 9 each. They are your quintessential "tool" to find anything and everything we published in the first 64 issues of the journal. . . all available now in both digital and first edition printed copies. Meanwhile, please allow me to answer your questions on this site. Thanks for your past patronage and interest in the future of The Double Gun & Single Shot Journal. Daniel & Joanna”


Garry L Gordon 05-01-2024 09:00 AM

Good things come to he who waits.

Ronald A Moore 06-07-2024 10:31 AM

III reader.
anyone have an update on book number three, First it was April 2024 then June 2024, June i here no book or news again. Bad way to do business.

Ron Moore

Jeff langbehn 06-07-2024 12:47 PM

I thought a long time before I decided to reply to this chain… and if I offend some of you I’m sorry but… get over yourself! the DGJ was an institution for most all of us that have enjoyed Sxs guns all of these years.Daniel ,Joanna and Heidi have treated all of us extremely well and deserve a better attitude. So what if it’s delayed for a couple of months while they are finalizing the details, I for one am anxiously awaiting it when it gets here. I know nothing about the publishing business and don’t intend to start questioning someone who has not only built the finest published series of books and magazines ever done about Sxs guns and has had some serious health issues to contend with this spring as well to boot …. Give them a break. JEFF LANGBEHN

Bill Murphy 06-07-2024 02:52 PM

I have 125 pounds of back issues to pore over while I'm waiting for the Volume 3 Index. Most of that 125 pounds of DGJ hasn't been seen in decades. Daniel, take your time while I am reading.

Dean Romig 06-07-2024 05:47 PM

Jeff Langbehn - Congratulations for your very astute defense of the Cote family’s dedicated decades-long DGJ venture. It is through their love of the finest doublegun classics ever made that we subscribers, who share an equally enamoured interest, that we have had such a wonderful publication. I have personally spoken with Daniel as recently as a few weeks ago and he told me he would let me know when it is published and about to be shipped so that I could post it here on the PGCA forum.

It WILL Come - and that’s a guarantee!


Jim McKee 06-09-2024 08:02 PM

DGJ Index III,
Heidi sent me a update 3 hrs ago
They are hoping to ship by the end of July
I am very willing to wait longer, as I expect it will probably be ever better than Index 1 & 2

Ronald A Moore 06-14-2024 01:15 PM

Reader III
Once again , Hopefully July, does not sound like a plan buy just another excuse. I hope to get it but my hopes are fading, to many promise dates and no results.

Ron Moore

Dean Romig 06-14-2024 01:27 PM

Patience… patience… patience.


Russ Jackson 08-15-2024 08:44 PM

Gentlemen ,any new updates to the New Index and Reader ???:corn:

Jim McKee 08-15-2024 09:21 PM

Received a reply to my latest e-mail about shipping date
"Hi. The current hope is that it will be shipped by the end of September, as we have had a lot of delays.

Thank you,


The Double Gun Journal"

Ronald A Moore 08-16-2024 07:51 AM

Absolute crazy, it seems they are always why they cannot do what they have promised, they are giving Sept now I hope but doubt we will ever see book, just promises.

Ron Moore

Dean Romig 08-16-2024 08:58 AM

I can’t believe the criticisms of Daniel’s and Joanna’s herculean efforts to get this final volume finally published. If folks only knew the obstacles they have had to hurdle, the speed bumps that continue to pop up in their path…

Me?…. I’ll remain patient, fully knowing it will come when it comes in spite of all the obstacles…. Sheesh!


Ronald A Moore 08-16-2024 01:54 PM

Reader 111
I do not care that they seem to always have some excuse as to why they cannot do what they say they are going to do, as I remember I renewed my subscription for two years and about a month later they decided to stop publishing the magazine, The money I sent is not the problem, it is they do not seem to have a good plan to finish the job, maybe I am wrong, As they are out of business, I do not know how they will ever get it done, broken promises only make it worse. I guess they are still trying to sell older copies of magazine, in publishing world old stock is almost worthless..


Dean Romig 08-16-2024 02:57 PM

I believe you’ll be singing a happier tune when your copy arrives.

Sure would like to know what you think of their efforts after you’ve had a chance to read through it. :cheers:


Ronald A Moore 08-16-2024 03:36 PM

Hope we do get it, but very unlikely anytime soon or maybe ever, I just wish they would either do it or not, stalling is not an option, when. I heard they were waiting to sell enough for printing, that is not a good sign.

Ron Moore

Dean Romig 08-16-2024 03:54 PM

That’s the very reason they found it necessary to end the DGJ… the readership kept dwindling because of attrition due to the fact that their readership was dying off and younger folks largely are just not interested in our classic firearms.
They have sold much of their personal collections and Vol III of the Index and Reader is self-financed, not from the long-gone ‘profits’ generated by sales of DGJ.

I won’t comment on this subject any longer… doing so seems to be an exercise in futility.


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