Parker Gun Collectors Association Forums

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william faulk 12-10-2010 12:39 PM

I am a new PGCA annual member..William Faulk

John Dunkle 12-10-2010 12:40 PM

Welcome aboard, William!! As well - thank you for your support of the PGCA!

Best to you,


David Weber 12-10-2010 01:53 PM

John- This is my first pheasant taken with a Parker and retrieved by my 10 month old lab Milo, so its a very special picture for sure. This hunt was in SD with Charlie Herzog and company and I think maybe a hunt you were not able to make? Charlie, Jeff and Jimmy introduced me the allure of the Parker and I think I'm hooked.

dg junkins 12-13-2010 11:15 PM

I joined as a yearly member back in October, really enjoy the site. I have not received the new member packet, sent e-mails, still have not received the packet. Maybe someday it will appear.................

John Dunkle 12-14-2010 08:09 AM

Hey DG..!

Let's see if I can't get something stirring for you, OK?? As well....

Thank you so much for your support of the PGCA!! You should hear something from Tom or Jennifer in a bit, OK??

Best to you!!


George Lander 12-18-2010 10:57 PM

John: I am an annual member & have been since 2007.

Best Regards, George Lander

King Brown 12-19-2010 09:40 PM

I'm considering letting membership lapse because for all my efforts I can't penetrate the system to get status changed from forum member to PGCA member. Why bother, eh?

Dean Romig 12-19-2010 09:50 PM

Hang in there King, please. We'll get John Dunkle on the job - he seems to get results when others can't.


paul shields 12-20-2010 09:32 AM

Annual member PGCA.
Paul Shields

John Dunkle 12-20-2010 10:36 AM

Hey guys...

I am so sorry...! I've e-mailed PGCA Memberships a bit ago about both George and King - and haven't heard anything back. I am so sorry for the delay on our end.. Soooo... While we wait (??!??) - let me set up your PGCA Member Status on my end, and I'll PM you with your Membership info when I hear something back, OK??

Best to you folks!


bob risser 12-20-2010 11:33 AM

Bob Risser #2077. Please add me to Parkers for sale and for sale and wanted section.

John Dunkle 12-20-2010 11:53 AM

Hi Bob!!

I just contacted PGCA Memberships about your account as well (Really - I don't do Memberships!! ;) ) - so, until I hear back about you, King and George - I'm just going to set you up as a Member on the Forums. When I do hear - I'll PM you, OK??

My many thanks!!!


John Dunkle 12-22-2010 06:52 PM

Hi Bob..!

I was about to send you a PM, but I just heard from the folks that run PGCA Memberships - and you Sir - are all set! I was told that you renewed and are set through Nov of next year, so - I'm glad I set your Forum Title up a few days ago.

Bob, many thanks for your continued support of PGCA!


Dan Malecha 12-23-2010 06:04 PM

I am an annual member.
Dan Malecha

John Dunkle 12-23-2010 09:16 PM

Hi Dan!

Yep - got'cha! I just received an updated list from Jennifer (who does Memberships) and you are all set..

Dan - thank you so much for your continued support of the PGCA..!!!



mel hrubetz 12-24-2010 10:01 PM

Hello John Not sure if I checked in Mel Hrubetz Annual Member Happy Holidays

Armond Fish 12-26-2010 08:42 AM

I just joined today and I am an annual member.

Jim Fielding 12-26-2010 07:46 PM

I just signed up a couple of weeks ago. Annual membership.


Jim Fielding

John Dunkle 12-28-2010 10:58 PM

Mel, Armond and Jim....

You folks are what PGCA is all about... From the PGCA Members and Membership alike....

Thank You!!

I think I got all of you set within a few minutes from your joining? But, in public...

Simply - thank you...

A wonderful New Year to all..!


mel hrubetz 12-29-2010 11:23 AM

John thanks for all your work. Would you loan me your AAHE for a month or so??? kidding of course!!

John Dunkle 12-29-2010 01:54 PM

Hi Mel..!

It's my pleasure!!! As well - which month would it be that you'd like to borrow that AAHE??? Many months are booked years in advance - but, you just never know..?? ;)

Seriously - many thanks and a Wonderful and successful 2011 to you!



Chip Beckford 01-01-2011 08:37 PM

HI m.D. "chip" Beckford Annual member e-mail change to Happy New Year! Chip

John Dunkle 01-01-2011 08:44 PM

Hi Chip..!

Many thanks!!! Yep - got'cha...

Thank you so very much for your support of PGCA!!!


Sam Ogle 01-01-2011 10:14 PM

Newly rejoined annual member

Sam Ogle, Lincoln, Ne

John Dunkle 01-01-2011 10:33 PM

Welcome back, Sam..!!!!

Thank you so much for your continued support of PGCA!

My Best Always,


tomjohnson 01-09-2011 11:02 AM

I'm an annual menber. Tom Johnson

Bill Palmer 01-09-2011 03:18 PM

Hello John:

I recently Joined as an Annual Member.

Regards, Bill

John Dunkle 01-09-2011 03:20 PM

Hi Bill and all..!

Bill - got'cha!!! While I'm still looking for a PGCA Membership confirmation for Tom (see above ;) ) - you Sir - are all set..!

Thank you so much for your support of the PGCA!!


Bill Hixon 01-09-2011 05:03 PM

I am an annual member
Bill Hixon

John Dunkle 01-09-2011 05:07 PM

Hi Bill...!!

Got'cha!! And as well - thank you so very much for your support of the PGCA!!!

My Best Always,


Terry Schraner 01-10-2011 09:49 AM

Yes, I am a current annual member- Terry Schraner

John Dunkle 01-10-2011 12:40 PM

Hi Terry..!

You are all set - and as well, a huge thank you from the PGCA for your Membership!


Berkley Stephens 01-10-2011 06:13 PM

Dear Sir,
I am a annual member whose dues are due in Feb.
Best Regards,
Berkley Stephens

John Dunkle 01-10-2011 08:16 PM

Hello, Mr. Stephens,

You are all set, Sir... And with our collective thanks from the PGCA - this forum, its Members and users alike...

My thanks!


Paul D Narlesky 01-10-2011 11:39 PM

Hello John, I am a PGCA member since I don't know....
when about 94-95 can you put that in my name or intro or whatever. Thanks very much & Best, Paul D Narlesky

John Dunkle 01-11-2011 08:17 AM

Hi Paul!..

You certainly have been part of the PGCA for quite some time - and with our thanks!!! As well, I just set up your title and permissions on this forum, so all the PGCA Member Only Forums should now be accessible to you..

Paul, again - thank you!


ken wight 01-13-2011 04:03 PM

Ken Wight

Dean Romig 01-13-2011 04:30 PM

Hi Ken - Welcome... and Thanks!

Pat Dugan 01-18-2011 08:46 PM

pat dugan

I am re replying, I am having to log in every day now, thanks pat

Grady Carter 01-20-2011 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by John Dunkle (Post 123)
Hey folks!!

If you are a current PGCA Annual or Life Member - would you take a moment to post back in this thread??

While I'm trying to find you in the current printed Roster - some of you are not listed. Therefore, while I'm updating User Titles, you may notice that the "PGCA Member Forums" disappeared..! It simply means I haven't found you in the roster or not aware of your Member Status!! Sorry about that..!

So - if you are a PGCA Member - can you post back in this thread if you are a current PGCA Member (and if you are an annual or Lifer - that will save me some work later, OK?)? That would be great!! (And no - I don't need any other info, OK??)

My thanks!!


Dr. Grady L Carter, annual member, Texas

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