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allen newell 09-09-2022 11:34 AM

Use Turnbul

Brian Dudley 09-09-2022 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by allen newell (Post 371532)
Use Turnbul

You used to be dead set against that. What changed?

edgarspencer 09-10-2022 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by allen newell (Post 371532)
Use Turnbul

In your original post which you apparently deleted, you stated that only Brad did the case hardening at Bachelders.

Who told you that?

Brad told me, at the dinner in Baltimore, a few years ago, that Parker was doing the case hardening. I had them do my 30" 16ga hammer gun done, and remarked how well they matched the Meriden colors. Parker was sitting at the table with us, and Brad pointed to him and said "he did your gun".

My issue with them is not What they they are capable of, but When will they do it.

Brian Dudley 09-10-2022 09:21 AM

I know the dinner you were speaking of Edgar. It was the annual meeting held in conjunction with the baltimore gun show.
It was at that dinner that my pregnant wife was told that the reason not to employ women was because they might get pregnant and leave their employer hanging. She was pissed to say the least.

edgarspencer 09-10-2022 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Brian Dudley (Post 371560)
the reason not to employ women was because they might get pregnant and leave their employer hanging.


Other than in the office, there were a few women working in the foundry. One of them was the best welder I had ever seen, but the only way she was going to get pregnant was by immaculate conception.

allen newell 09-12-2022 05:15 PM

Brian and Edgar, Brad told me that he was the only one in the shop that did the colors. This was several years prior to his passing.

Brian, absent Brad Bachelder, my default on case colors would be Turnbull.

John Dallas 09-12-2022 05:24 PM

My understanding is that Brad passed his knowledge on to Parker

edgarspencer 09-12-2022 09:23 PM

That’s essentially what he expressed to me also, John. That conversation was only a bit before he passed away. Whether Parker has continued to do it as well as the gun his father said his son had done, I couldn’t say, but I will say this; they were as close to high condition original Meriden colors as I have seen.
It’s unfortunate that he didn’t turn out to be the businessman his father was.

John Dallas 09-12-2022 11:09 PM

I have no ideaI about Parker's ability, but when you're 50% of your billable hours, and 90% (?) of your knowledge base, things are going to be tough. If I were in Parker's shoes, the first thing I would have done is to not take in any new work.

Matt Buckley 09-19-2022 01:12 PM

I have a UPS Tracking # from Bachelder's so my Parker Reproduction is finally being returned. I was on the phone almost every day last week hounding them till they finally got me a tracking number. I would be very cautious with doing business with them at this point.

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