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allen newell 01-09-2019 03:59 PM

Phil, no need to pay anything. I am happy they will be in good hands. Enjoy

allen newell 01-10-2019 07:05 PM

To all those to whom I have sent books, you owe me nothing. The shipping cost was nominal. Just enjoying them will be good enough. Thank you all for taking them off my hands.

Rich Anderson 01-12-2019 11:05 AM

Allen good luck with the Kudu. The Grey Ghost of Africa is an amazing animal and is compared to our Elk. Before I moved I had vaulted ceilings and had one there but in this house the wife said no more dead animals upstairs. I did manage to get a fine Elk in but that was it. My basement has 8ft ceilings and the Kudu sits very close to the floor. The second one was done on a pedastal mount with a very drastic turn to fit.

They are a very nice animal to bad you need to find a new home for it.

allen newell 01-12-2019 05:28 PM

Ive tried calling the curator at one of Boston's natural history museums but she won't even return my calls and ive left full and complete info on her voice mail. I'm trying to give the dam thing away.

Dean Romig 01-12-2019 05:48 PM

Did you try the Harvard Museum of Natural History?


allen newell 01-12-2019 06:37 PM

Yes. That is where I've been calling. Maybe if I was a Harvard grad and not Rutgers it would make a difference in the response. Anyway that is what a good friend of mine who is a Harvard grad keeps telling me. Lol

allen newell 01-12-2019 06:39 PM

This full shoulder mount Kudu was done by South Africa's leading taxidermy company, Life Form. I paid a small fortune to have all my African trophies done by them.

Dean Romig 01-12-2019 07:10 PM

Maybe a personal visit to the head curator is in order.


allen newell 01-12-2019 08:02 PM


Russell E. Cleary 01-12-2019 10:08 PM


Have you tried any of the local gun clubs?

Maynard has a Caribou mount on the wall in the Lounge; maybe they could use a Kudu.

I have been a Member there for over 20 years.

Tell 'em I sent you.

Maynard Rod and Gun Club

(Secretary is Bob Trombley)

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