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Garry L Gordon 11-28-2021 02:29 PM

Don, I read your post yesterday around noon as we took a break on our day hunt. I hurt for you. It was hard to go back into the field thinking about your tragedy and how close we all are to something similar.

As others have stated so clearly, we share your loss. I cannot imagine what you went through, nor what you are still experiencing. I wish I could help you somehow.

I do know this: your pup unconditionally loved you and your wife. That's what dogs do. They don't assign blame or curtail devotion. I'm sure Sadie would never assign any blame to you. You did all you could humanly do.

As you suggested, I hugged both of my dogs on the tailgate yesterday after our hunt and offered up a prayer for you, your wife, and Sadie.

Rick Losey 11-28-2021 06:55 PM

Don, i have no words of comfort

I have seen the videos but know I wouldn't remember how to open one in an emergency

I gave up one of my best and most favorite covers two years ago after finding those traps there, not set so that a dog could not get its head in them. I was very surprised to go on the NY DEC website and find out they are legal on state land.

so one guy owns hundreds of acres of state land as far as bird hunting goes .

Mike McKinney 11-28-2021 08:27 PM

I also am so sorry, and at a time like now, that is no comfort! My best for you and your family!

Mills Morrison 11-28-2021 09:03 PM

People who are cruel to animals are the lowest form of life

Donald F. Mills 11-29-2021 05:27 PM

I want thank everyone for your prayers and condolences. It has helped more than words can express.

I was in contact with the game warden today and he identified and ticketed the 20 year old from the colony that set the 330 Conibear trap the night before. The warden said that the kid felt bad for what he did. This doesn’t take any of the pain away but does help to begin to bring some closure to this trajedy.

Reggie Bishop 11-30-2021 12:13 PM

What a terrible tragedy! I am so sorry!

John Taddeo 11-30-2021 04:10 PM

Don ,
I am very sorry for your loss of Sadie, the circumstances are painful to read and unimaginable... I wish you comfort..
I would like to ask (if you were told) what the Hell exactly this individual was targeting by setting a 330 (Beaver trap) in an upland field ?? Is there a practice we have never heard of or need to be aware of ,its unbelievable .. I know this to be illegal (for good reason) its just so hard to believe.. Again, I am saddened by your loss and wish you peace and healing..

Donald F. Mills 11-30-2021 07:05 PM

The game warden said he was after beaver that were in the area. Intentionally setting it on a trail that came out into the prairie grass.

Russell E. Cleary 11-30-2021 07:59 PM


I am very sorry to hear about your dreadful experience with Sadie and the loss of her.

It is good to read that you are surmounting this, and doing so with the help of sound advice from friends on here.

I look forward to meeting you and your father again at another PGCA event.

The best advice that I can offer now is that your course ahead include the inspired wishes expressed in your forum signature.


Richard Flanders 12-01-2021 06:21 AM

Jeez, what a horrible story. I can't begin to imagine what was going through your head as you wrestled with that trap, which is wolf sized. There's no really getting over something like that. You have my deepest sympathies.

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