View Full Version : Steps to greater happiness

Mills Morrison
01-13-2019, 09:49 PM
Advice column

Dean Romig
01-13-2019, 10:18 PM
What a beautiful pup Mills!!


Hal Sheets
01-14-2019, 09:25 AM
Sherwood is really looking good (& very happy}! How old is he now, about 7 months?

Harold Lee Pickens
01-14-2019, 10:34 AM
No!! Do not get 4 dogs!! I love 'em all, but 4 is just too many, particularly when bird populations are getting more limited. I never intended to have 4 dogs, but ended up keeping 2 out of my last litter +mom+ Grandma Betty. All 4 are good hunters.After my recent heart surgery, I could not take care of the dogs for a while, and they went to my friend Ernie, in California, Pa., who trains and field trials setters. He said mine were the niccest, best trained dogs he has boarded in a long time. I would love to be down to 2 dogs, but that will probably not happen for quite a while yet.
BTW Mills, nice looking Britt

Mills Morrison
01-14-2019, 10:57 AM
I could go to two, but no more. It is just a joke. I do know people who have more than 4

Mills Morrison
01-14-2019, 11:03 AM
He is about 7 months now. He has his first quail hunt coming up a week from today, so wish us luck.

Rich Anderson
01-15-2019, 01:11 PM
At one time we had 5 dogs. I REALLY believe a hunter need two dogs. Hunt one, rest one. You wouldn't go to a shoot with only one gun would you? Much to the dismay of the Mrs Ike will be getting a girlfriend this summer.

Eric Eis
01-15-2019, 01:38 PM
No!! Do not get 4 dogs!! I love 'em all, but 4 is just too many, particularly when bird populations are getting more limited. I never intended to have 4 dogs, but ended up keeping 2 out of my last litter +mom+ Grandma Betty. All 4 are good hunters.After my recent heart surgery, I could not take care of the dogs for a while, and they went to my friend Ernie, in California, Pa., who trains and field trials setters. He said mine were the niccest, best trained dogs he has boarded in a long time. I would love to be down to 2 dogs, but that will probably not happen for quite a while yet.
BTW Mills, nice looking Britt

Harold there are times to justify four dogs (I am still working up the plan :rolleyes: ) As I have one yappy (Mom's) dog, a washout (loves everyone) setter and then my retired setter deaf and I can't take a chance of losing him in the woods. So yes I am working on a new dog, hopefully a washout field trial dog (English Setter) that hunts too close for them but is just perfect for me :) We shall see and if anyone has a line on a washout field trial setter let me know.

legh higgins
01-15-2019, 01:58 PM
we have 7 yes seven dogs and its Great!

Dean Romig
01-15-2019, 03:40 PM
we have 7 yes seven dogs and its Great!

And what wonderful setters they are!!

Earl and Cory would be proud!


01-15-2019, 06:41 PM
Before the Boykin acquired me I had it in my head I wanted the Boykin a pair of English Setters and two more Border Terriers to go with the Border we already had . Picked up the Boykin at seven weeks after about three weeks I thought well let me rethink this and just get a second Boykin after this one was a year old . Now I’ve rethought that ONE Boykin and ONE Border Terrier are MORE THEN ENOUGH :eek:

Ed Norman
01-29-2019, 08:21 PM
That is a spectacular dog, and he looks ready to hunt!!