View Full Version : A Little help - Are you ready for PGCA Research Letters On-Line?

John Dunkle
02-27-2015, 07:03 PM
Hi folks,

After a while of programming - and incredible support from the PGCA Board of Directors, Chuck Bishop - and more so my wonderful wife who put up with me during this programming nightmare... ;)

I'm just about ready to roll-out the on-line version to request a PGCA Letter for your Parker - with forms that are filled out in your browser and a payment system that allows you to pay for 1 to 1000 letters - in a single payment...

Here are some details....

First - I'm going to give this a try for PGCA Members only at first, as I'm working out a few last minute programming kinks (thank you Microsoft... NOT!)

Second - the cost of the letter for PGCA Members is $42 on-line. Why? Because, if you have a PayPal account and pay for a letter, PayPal deducts their fees by almost as much. BUT - if you pay with a credit card or check? The fees are much steeper - so a $2 uplift is OK with me. Ready???Especially as I don't have to buy a stamp, buy envelopes, print the form then handwrite the dang thing, then lick the envelope, then wait for the postman, then wait 7 days for the postman to deliver it to Chuck, then wait until Chuck writes the letter, then wait to see if my check ever gets cashed, then wait for the postman to deliver my letter back, then wait... Well - ok - if time were money - $2.00 is fine with me...


First - you'll have to go here: Serial Number Lookup (http://parkerguns.org/ser_search.htm) and be sure that your Parker actually has records that allow a letter....

Second - I'll give you a link shortly - to a hidden forum that exists - where you can fill out the form on-line (or download it). I've also set up that forum that if you have any difficulties or questions - you can post a note, ask for help or whatever...

Third - from the form itself - you can click on a link to add a "Letter" to your shopping cart. You can add and pay for one letter - or as many as you want.

Fourth - right from your browser, you can save the form to send each one as an attachment to your letter request (there is an e-mail link within the form - I kid you not ;) ) - and as well, some browsers will allow you to e-mail it directly without saving it to your computer...

Fifth..?? Well - there is no "fifth"..?

So - anyway - this post actually takes about ten times longer to read then it does to fill out and pay for a PGCA Research letter...

Here we go, if if you've wanted to go "On-line" for letter requests - I'm asking for your help in trying it out... But - it should be slick...

Hang tight for a bit, but I'm going to get this going shortly...

Thanks for your patience - and for those who are NOT PGCA Members? I haven't forgotten about you folks - yours will be next...


Edited: And for PGCA Members - this is the link I posted in this thread on Page 3:
I've posted a "Quick Guide" and instructions here:
On-Line Research Letter Requests - Quick Guide & how To (http://parkerguns.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15747)

Rick Losey
02-27-2015, 07:07 PM
Darn. Now I have to go buy a gun to try it out :draw:

John Dunkle
02-27-2015, 07:09 PM
HA!!! Actually - I'll give you the serial number of my little .410 so you can try it out? Of course - you'll be paying for the letter I'll be getting - but... An offer like this doesn't come around every day..?? :D



Dean Romig
02-27-2015, 07:10 PM
John, Thanks for a fine result following a great deal of angst behind the scenes. :crying:


Mills Morrison
02-27-2015, 07:58 PM
Darn. Now I have to go buy a gun to try it out :draw:

I was thinking the same thing. Thanks to John and all who are helping to make this possible

Daryl Corona
02-27-2015, 08:09 PM
Thanks John. Is this post going to be a "sticky"?

Angel Cruz
02-27-2015, 08:16 PM
Now we're cooking with gas!!! Thanks John!!

Larry Stalnaker
02-27-2015, 08:23 PM
Great Job!!!!!
I can't imagine the amount of work that went into this. This is very, very cool.

Thank You so much!!!!


John Dunkle
02-27-2015, 08:40 PM
My sincerest thanks folks..!

As well - once I'm happy with the "How To" guides and links - I'll add it to this thread as well as the main site under "Research Letters" link.. But - right now - as far as I can tell - everything works "as it should" - so, thank all of you who want to take this for a "test drive" and be a bit of a pioneer in getting your letters with requests from "on-line".

You folks are outstanding....

With my thanks to each of you,


John Powers
02-27-2015, 09:17 PM
Thanks for all the efforts.

Russ Jackson
02-27-2015, 09:22 PM
I put my check in the mail at 1:45 This afternoon for a letter on my " NEW CHE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Serial# 144543 Had I only known !!

Fred Lowe
02-27-2015, 09:49 PM
I am trying to be a pioneer in this online letter adventure with
my 20 GHE #153105.
I am running into a problem however.
My first attempt indicated that there are records surviving. When I went to the second page, my cursor wouldn't register.
So I went back to the start and after loading my serial number, it said there were not surviving records.
I started back at the beginning, input my serial number, and it indicates again that there are records available, but the cursor wouldn't show to let me fill out my personal information.
Admittedly I stink at this, but I believe I have followed directions to the "T".


Oh, I just now reread that you are "about" to roll out.
This explains the poor marks I received in school for the "listens well to directions" and "plays well with others":banghead:

I can't wait for this! It looks like it will be slick!

John Dunkle
02-27-2015, 09:56 PM
Hi Fred..!

You are a leader among pioneers - as you are trying to get it to work when I haven't set up those links yet - BUT - I applaud your trying!!! You hang on for a bit, OK? And with my thanks!!!

As well - I just checked - and you bet -- when I bring the links on-line, your Parker # 153105 is absolutely a candidate... As well - after I do bring it everything on, if you have any difficulties - I'll be right there to assist you. That's a promise...

My best to you - and my thanks!


Fred Lowe
02-27-2015, 10:02 PM
The first part was easy as pie!

Proof that if I'm able to do it, ANYONE can.

I will be patient now, but am so excited about this new service.

Thank you very much!

02-27-2015, 10:18 PM
John, this is an awesome addition to the already great work you do in support of the PGCA. My sincerest thanks, and can't wait to try it out!


Dean Romig
02-27-2015, 10:33 PM
What form will the actual research letter take? Will it look like the letters that have been mailed to us in the past?

John Dunkle
02-27-2015, 10:47 PM
John, this is an awesome addition to the already great work you do in support of the PGCA. My sincerest thanks, and can't wait to try it out!

Mike - my sincerest thanks right back to you. Yep - I'm also kind of excited to bring this to the Members, so - I guess? The reason for this thread is to get some folks as excited as I am about the possibilities... My thanks to you..!


What form will the actual research letter take? Will it look like the letters that have been mailed to us in the past?

The delivery is the same as it always has been. I do the on-line submission and payment - reducing the requirements for a letter request. Chuck does the fulfillment. I think you know that already - so my confusion as to your question? Will Chuck do a PDF - if that's what you are asking? You should ask him that - as it's certainly well within his ability - as I discussed the same with him today. Will it "replace" paper letters? In my world, only if that's what the customer wants - or if they want both - as each fits their own need.



Jim DiSpagno
02-28-2015, 01:15 AM
Mr. D, you da mannn:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

scott kittredge
02-28-2015, 05:33 AM

Chuck Bishop
02-28-2015, 08:17 AM
I'll add my thanks to John and the BOD for making it possible to do the research letter process on-line. This was not an easy process and caused much debate pro and con on the issue.

You will notice that the research letter form has been revised and has spaces for additional information. This data is helpful in doing your letter so fill the form in with as much info as possible. You can still fill the form electronically or print the form and write in the info. Considering the handwriting of some of the people, please fill in the form electronically (from your keyboard.) You can still fill in the form and send them to me with your check if you wish.

Lastly, there will probably be a big avalanche of online requests in the beginning. I'm asking that you only send 1 request at a time, then wait awhile before submitting another one. When things calm down, it's back to normal.

Chad Hefflinger
02-28-2015, 08:38 AM
I wrote a check and printed out a form earlier this week, but hadn't had a chance to mail it out. Now I will just wait til the on line is ready to roll. Very cool stuff!

Jean Swanson
02-28-2015, 09:55 AM
John---Great job !!!

With the use of PayPal comes a litany of behind the scenes reconciliations to keep the accounting in separate files so as the proper account is credited for business reporting to the BOD ,etc. The process took a little back and forth between the BOD and the volunteers ,but it will all come out in the positive in the final version. As time goes on and additional uses are revealed with the use of PayPal---the cheese will become a little more binding and help will become necessary from people with better knowledge and time than I have to dedicate to the PGCA.

I want everyone on this forum to realize NONE of this would have come to fruition without the intelligence and knowledge of John Dunkle with his willingness to make the PGCA web site better. Believe me, it takes a lot of thought and effort to make it all come together.

Thanks again John
From Vermont

Russ Jackson
02-28-2015, 10:04 AM
Well ,as said earlier ,I sent a Postal Request just yesterday but I have one more I could use a letter for :whistle: ,I am anxious to give it a go !!!!!! Thank You John and Thanks to all who played a part in this ,I think it will be a real asset to the PGCA !!! Russ

John Dunkle
02-28-2015, 12:56 PM
I'm a little overwhelmed by the kind words by all.. Simply - thank you!!

As well - I've posted a "Quick Guide" and instructions here:
On-Line Research Letter Requests - Quick Guide & how To (http://parkerguns.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15747)

I'll be adding a longer version with illustrations later today - but, I know a few want to get started...

Again - my thanks!


Fred Lowe
02-28-2015, 03:15 PM

I believe that I have just ordered my first Parker letter,
for my GHE 20 #153105
I have just now received confirmation from Paypal that they
have deducted funds.
The most pleasing bill that I have paid in a long time!

This was beyond easy.

Thank you very much Mr. Dunkle

John Dunkle
02-28-2015, 04:01 PM
Fred - you are terrific! I've already forwarded your Letter Request on to Chuck - so, it apparently is much faster than the US Postal Service, too! ;)

Again - simply - my thanks to you and all for the assist on this feature.. It's very appreciated!!

- John

Chuck Bishop
02-28-2015, 04:11 PM
FYI, I'm not giving priority to either mailed or online letter requests. I do my best to do the letters in the order I receive them.

John Dunkle
02-28-2015, 04:13 PM
Well put... And thanks Chuck!

Hmmm - the e-mail requests do arrive faster than those sent by USPS, tho..? ;)



Dave Suponski
02-28-2015, 07:37 PM
JD This is awesome! Thank you to John Dunkle and the board for getting this done. Wonderful job everyone.....:bowdown:

John, I know you were the point of the spear on this project and I thank you for all you do on a daily basis.

John Dunkle
03-01-2015, 06:03 PM
I wanted to thank all of you for the incredible support, comments and - well - for a number of you, giving the system a try..!

In short?

It works as I'd hoped - so thank you!

Tomorrow, for those of you who have PMed me asking - I'll try to get the on-line system up and running for all the folks who aren't yet PGCA Members, OK? I'm still struggling with a little piece of coding for you folks (it has to do with the permission trees and tying into MySQL tables directly - so, PGCA Members can't use your forms or see your questions - just in case you wanted to know..?! ;) ) - but, pretty sure I can make it work..

Again - my best and thanks to all,


Richard Flanders
03-01-2015, 07:00 PM
Ok John. It works. I just put in a request for the VHE20 I inherited from my mother.

John Dunkle
03-01-2015, 07:02 PM
;) Already got it - and already on its way to Chuck.. By the way? Check your incoming e-mail, as I just e-mailed you a Thank You..! ;)

And oh - it's snowing again as I type this! Want to "Winter Vacation" in NH??? I can promise you more snow then up your way?!! Holy Smokes!!

Anyway - my best and my thanks!


Richard Flanders
03-01-2015, 07:09 PM
I see a good question put forth here as to what form the letters will be in. I'd hope they would look the same with the PGCA letterhead and all but it will make a difference what paper you print them on. I'd guess they should be in black and white text with the colored logo and folks who want them to look JUST Like a PGCA letter will have to got to Office Max and buy some heavy bond vanilla-colored rag paper or something else fancy, like maybe some 60# or 110# premium card stock in a color of ones choice so they can be framed. That's what I'd like to be able to do. If they come across vanilla colored we'll be going through some serious ink when we print them. We'll only be limited in what we do with the letter by our imaginations... the possibilities are endless.

John Dunkle
03-01-2015, 07:17 PM
Hey Richard!

The letters are the same as always - as Chuck (the guru of PGCA Letters ;) ) is doing them - not me!! All I'm doing is expediting the way folks like yourself request letters - and removing the "sand in the shoe" for Chuck - like reconciling accounts, who is a Member, having to print your request out, handwriting your request, having to get a stamp, having to lick a stamp, having to write a check, having to wait for the check to clear, having to see if Chuck gets your letter, having to wait a week to see if HIS postal carrier delivers your mail, having....

Oh wait - you get the idea....

You don't have to go to Office Max... Unless you want to for something else?



Chuck Bishop
03-01-2015, 08:07 PM
Well, it sure looks like the system works:bowdown: I'll be busy for a bit:banghead:

Larry Stalnaker
03-01-2015, 09:06 PM

I just ordered a letter for the 28 VHE. Pretty easy, even for a barely computer savvy old man.


John Dunkle
03-01-2015, 09:15 PM
Hi Larry!

Congrats!!! However, please - do NOT forget step three - to e-mail your completed form to:


I have your payment, but not your completed form as of yet? If you have any difficulties - let me know, OK??

Also - to note - when I have everything set on my end - I will e-mail you a confirmation... ;)

My thanks and best to you!


John Dunkle
03-01-2015, 09:44 PM
PopPop (<-- I really like that handle ;) )

You are all set - but - you probably have my e-mail back to you already from letters@parkerguns.org

My best to you - and my thanks!


Richard Flanders
03-01-2015, 11:30 PM
So, we'll still get the letter in the mail. I was thinking they'd come via email. Guess not. I figured Chuck would be looking at all these orders coming in an groaning!

John Dunkle
03-02-2015, 08:20 AM
Hi Richard!

Maybe Chuck will see your question - and pop in to give us his thoughts.. that is - once he stops groaning, as you predicted ;) (HEH - Hi Chuck!! ;) )!!!

Best to you!


Chuck Bishop
03-02-2015, 09:17 AM
Hi Richard,

As John said, you will receive your letter in the mail. All you have to do is open the envelope. The online process just saves the requester from filling out the form, writing the check, putting the form and check in the envelope, addressing the envelope, and putting on a stamp. It will also eliminate the delay in me getting your form due to slow mail.

The paper I use is Ivory 32lb. weight. It's printed in B&W, suitable for framing and has the PGCA seal.

Yes, there is a surge in the online requests right now, but I expected it, no big deal. All I ask, is for the time being, just do one online request at a time. I'll still will be getting requests in the mail too. When the surge ends, it's full speed ahead.

GTG, I think I have letters to do!

John Dunkle
03-10-2015, 04:56 PM
Hi Folks!

For those who are not PGCA Members, and would like to submit and pay for your PGCA Research letter on line - you are all set!

Please go to this forum: Forum Associates - Online Research Letter Requests (http://parkerguns.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=4) and read the first thread...

PLEASE NOTE!! If you are a PGCA Member, you do not have access to that forum! Why? 'Cause I don't want you to use those forms as the price is different in the "Shopping Cart"... And frankly, I don't want to have to start issuing refunds because folks inadvertently used the wrong forms :eek:

However - we promise not to talk about you behind your back in that Non-Member Only Forum.... Maybe..


Best to all - and my thanks!


wayne goerres
03-10-2015, 05:02 PM
Its a good thing you did that John. This forum is full of old people and we will click on all links.

John Dunkle
03-10-2015, 05:08 PM
Its a good thing you did that John. This forum is full of old people and we will click on all links.
____________ :rotf:
________________________ :rotf:

OK - that's funny!!

My best to you, Wayne!


Dave Suponski
03-10-2015, 08:00 PM
Hey wait a minute.....

John Dunkle
03-10-2015, 08:17 PM
Hey wait a minute.....
Hmmmm.. I think Wayne is right...

Why? Click Here (http://parkerguns.org/forums/notfound)

See what I mean??? You clicked on the link above, didn't you...



Dean Romig
03-10-2015, 08:43 PM
Hey John - is your system counting everybody who clicks on that link?

Did it tell you that I clicked on it? Well, it's lying - I didn't. :whistle:

John Dunkle
03-10-2015, 08:51 PM

Yep - it is just - exactly - sort'a like that... ;)

Thanks Dean!
