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Unread 03-30-2012, 10:33 PM   #29
Robert Delk
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"Snows of Kilimanjaro" was probably the first movie I ever saw as a child. My mother was a fan of EH and took us when it came out.I read some of his books as a child also. I read "The Old Man and the Sea" when it came out and my mom bought a copy. I wonder if my early love of fishing was encouraged by that book.I suppose he "postured" some,many men do, and thought of himself as tougher than he actually was.Something else we are prone to do. "Everybody wants to be a bad ass" as we used to say in my outfit in Vietnam.The truth of combat,with enough of it, would have soon dispelled any thoughts of finding "glory" in it. I still like EH,I grew up with his books, but his reputation as a bully and "wantabe" put me off. I understand him some as we fought some of the same battles of family and emotional issues and am very sorry he could not find the help he needed.
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